IT Services

On this page you will find descriptions of some of the IT Services that are available at SU. Most of the descriptions haven't been translated into English yet, but more will follow.

Printing and copying - Printomat

The University's printing and copying service is called Printomat. The service allows you to print, scan and copy at any compatible printer on campus.

Description of the service

The service allows you to print, scan and copy at any compatible printer on campus. You can print and make copies in colour or black/white.

Secure printouts

  • You print to a printer queue and can collect your printout(s) within 48 hours.
  • Log in to the printer by swiping your university card over the card reader.
  • You can print or delete documents

Remote access (VPN)

VPN is a service that allows you to connect to the university’s network remotely. With VPN you can access the same functionality (files and programmes) of your workplace from anywhere in the world.

Full description Remote access (VPN)

Last updated: 2024-09-30

Source: IT-avdelningen