Book facilities
Centrally managed rooms at the university can be booked for teaching, internal meetings and conferences et cetera. Centrally managed rooms are managed by the Property Management Office and are all booked using the TimeEdit system tool.
Current schedule for a room
There are screens in selected locations on the Frescati and Albano campuses that show the current/ongoing schedule for selected rooms. Outside each centrally managed room in Frescati, there is a QR code (and url) to view the schedule for that room for the next five hours. For a more detailed search of rooms and how they are booked:
Booking centrally managed rooms
Most departments/offices have an administrator/scheduler with access to the TimeEdit system tool who you can contact for help with booking.
If you need to book a room but your department/office does not have an administrator with access to the system, please contact support by e-mail.
Are you a new course administrator/teacher and need to use TimeEdit to schedule courses?
Guest login on computers
Central lecture halls are equipped with a teacher's computer for presentations and more.
Employed faculty at the university can log in to these computers using their university account.
External teachers or guest lecturers can obtain a password and log in as guests by contacting the Service Center.
Booking of the department's own lecture halls
Departments with their own facilities can make these available in TimeEdit so that only the administrator or scheduler at each department has the authority to book them.
Departments can also allow their own facilities to be booked online by employees within the department. If your department has made its facilities available for online booking, you can book them yourself in TE Viewer.
Log in with your university account and select the 'Staff' entry:"
Conference facilities in Aula Magna or Albano
All SU employees can make a request for facilities in Aula Magna or conference facilities in Albano via the TimeEdit staff entrance.
The scheduler or equivalent already working in TimeEdit's scheduling module TE Core can place orders for the facilities in the system. Regardless of how the requests are made, the Conference Administration will review the request and notify the client if the booking is approved.
Book conference facilities using TimeEdit
- Facilities in Aula Magna
- Conference facilities in Albano
- Information on organising conferences and events
Spökslottet (The haunted castle)
Spökslottet at Drottninggatan 116 can be booked for internal meetings, events and activities organised by the university and clearly related to its activities.
Book Spökslottet for meetings and events (in Swedish)
Examination rooms
There are four examination rooms in Frescati, Södra huset. These can only be booked for exams and are managed by the Examination Service (Tentamensservice).
Examination (in swedish)