In the course of its operations, Stockholm University enters into a number of different agreements, which entails questions of primarily legal and financial nature. Agreements entered into by the University must be in writing. The aim is to secure a written and signed agreement before the agreement period begins.
Guidance and support is available in the University's governing document “Procedure for contractual work” (Sw. Handläggningsordning för avtalsarbete) which describes the procedure for agreements and can be used for support during the processing of agreements. The procedure for contractual work is mainly directed at the University administration and the departments and centers under the faculty but can indeed be used by all employees who handle agreements.
The memorandum Management of contractual obligations in the wake of Corona (Sw. Hantering av avtalsåtaganden i Coronas kölvatten) provides general guidance on how to manage agreements in situations where for example, the University is unable to deliver or where the contracting party is unwilling or unable to use a service, or when the University is unwilling or unable to use a service or product. The memorandum is written in response to Corona, but can also be used as guidance in similar situations.
Conflict of interest
Rules on conflict of interest apply to anyone who takes part in the processing of a matter in a way that may affect the University's decision in the matter and can therefore be relevant in the processing of agreements, see Rules on disqualification.
Answers to questions regarding who has decision-making power and may enter into agreements on behalf of Stockholm University can be found in the University's central and local decision-making and delegation policy and the rules of procedure. Guidance on whether personal signature of agreements is required and questions about e-signatures can be found in the memorandum on signatures. The University has an e-signature service: EduSign.
Review of agreements
The Division for Legal Affairs reviews agreements. As a general rule, the Division for Legal Affairs does not draft agreements, but can assist with this if time and resources permit and if a suitable agreement template is available.
The Division for Legal Affairs must always review agreements that are to be finally signed by the President or the University Director. On request, the Division for Legal Affairs also reviews agreements for departments, centers under the faculty and administrative departments that are to be signed by decision-makers with delegated decision-making power. Requests for review of agreements as well as questions concerning agreements to the Division for Legal Affairs shall be entered here: Legal advice.
Before submitting a request for review or questions about agreements to “Legal advice”, it is recommended that you read the Procedure for contractual work for guidance and support when reviewing or writing an agreement. It is also recommended that a brief description of what the agreement is about is included with the request in Legal advice. As a starting point, the description should indicate the type of agreement, what the project is about, what the role of the University is and whether you have any questions or concerns. If the agreement is meant to regulate a research project, you should also state the type of results expected and what the results will be used for.