TimeEdit Viewer/Reserve

TE Viewer and TE Reserve are TimeEdit's self-service interfaces for students and staff, to search and view schedules, as well as perform simple bookings of facilities and equipment.

Entrance Search Schedule

No login required. Search for schedule and booking overview of central premises.

  • Students who want to see their personal timetables are referred to schema.su.se.
  • Teachers who want to see their personal schedules are referred to the ‘My schedule’ function under the Staff entrance, see below.

Staff access

For employees, login with your university account. The following pages with different functions are available:

To get your personalised timetable, both course/room bookings made by the institution's schedulers or your own online bookings.

Schedule search - list

To search for schedules for room, course, course sessions, sub-course (equivalent to module in Ladok), module, person, student group, staff group, purpose, teaching type, institution, equipment. The schedule is displayed in list format.

Schedule search - graphical

To search for timetables for room, course, course sessions, sub-course (or module in Ladok), module, person, student group, staff group, purpose, teaching type, institution, equipment. The schedule is displayed in calendar format.

Shows the booking situation in the central classrooms day by day.

Here, staff can book institution-owned premises if the institution has made some available for booking. Contact the TimeEdit support for instructions in English

Staff can book equipment here if the institution has made it available as bookable. Examples of equipment include computers, tablets, cars, bikes and lab equipment.

Shows central classrooms with equipment out of order or missing.

Here it is possible to search for all object types and then export to e.g. Excel for processing. In the export file, you get extended information such as the date when bookings were created/changed, length of bookings, etc.

Search schedule for older courses that have become inactive in TimeEdit.

Used to search out and generate schedules for TV screens.

Entrance students web booking

For students. Log in with a university account. Here you will find booking pages to book group and resource rooms, as well as department-owned premises.

Input TimeEdit input for client users

Here you, as a client user, can see the bookings you have created and modified in the ‘My bookings’ client.

Input TE Plan

Pre-planning and workforce planning tool for institutions that have ordered TE Plan.

TE Plan - Service planning

Tips for viewing schedules

Here are tips on how to easily search for items, customise the layout of your schedule and export schedules to your calendar.

There is a guide in Swedish on how to subscribe to schedules for various calendar programmes such as Outlook. Contact TimeEdit support to get instructions in English.

  • From the inputs called Search schedule (open input) Staff (login with sukat ID) you can make searches under these links: Schedule, English schedule, Schedule for export and statistics (Staff input only).
  • Once you have clicked on the input you want to search, a search box will be visible.
  • You can use the drop-down list to select different object types to search on, e.g. Local or Person. Type in keywords and click on Search. You can select more object types, e.g. Local together with Person. You can search by part of a name or numbers, suggestions are shown directly when you type in characters in the search box.
  • The results are shown in Search results, click on the schedule you want to see and the results will be added to the right under My choices.
  • Under the My Choices heading, you can change the time range and remove searches you don't want (by clicking on the minus sign). You can also select a previous search under the History heading. The default setting is the ‘Now’ term end date.
  • If you want to change the time, click on ‘Change time’ and click on the dates in the calendar you are interested in seeing.
  • Click on ‘View Schedule’ and the schedule will be visible.

  • Under the Subscribe button, you can choose to export your schedule to your calendar programme. Remember to change the time if you want a different date format than Rolling 2 weeks which is the pre-filled option.
  • Under the Print button, you can print your schedule in paper format or save in a pdf format.
  • Under the Customise button, there are a number of tabs where you have ample opportunity to construct your own schedule based on what you want to see and not see:
    • Under the Views tab, you can choose to remove columns or display a graphical schedule.
    • Under the Colour tab, you can colour your bookings.
    • Under the Style tab, you can customise the text size.
    • The Filter tab allows you to choose specifically which items you want to see, such as a particular module or teacher.
    • Under the Export tab, you can choose to export your schedule to different formats, such as Excel.
    • Under the Sorting and Time tabs, you can choose how the schedule should be structured.
  • If you want to hide bookings, click on ‘Hide bookings’ at the bottom of the page and click on the bookings you do not want to see.
  • A red dot means that the booking has been changed in the last 24 hours. A dash over the booking means that it has been cancelled in the last 24 hours.


Support TimeEdit

Last updated: 2024-09-30

Source: Fastighetsavdelningen