Planning and follow-up
The university's operational planning and follow-up is based on the university's assignment- to contribute to science-based knowledge and ensure that the university complies with the requirements on the university as a public authority.
The operational planning consists of different parts, from the university's strategies to local action and operational plans at departments, centers and central administration departments. All activities must be followed up and, depending on the nature of the activity, appropriate follow-up intervals are decided. On this web page, only the state governance and the operational planning at university level are described.
State governance
As a public authority, the university is governed by the Swedish Parliament and government. The university's basic mission, tasks and areas of responsibility are stated in the university's appropriation directives, the Higher Education Act and the Higher Education Ordinance. In addition, the university must comply with a number of other laws and regulations. For example, in accordance with the Government Agencies Ordinance, the university shall be efficient and economize well with state funds.
Within the framework of the national budget process, the government submits a budget proposal to the Parliament in which they propose funding and investments for the coming year. After the Parliament adopts the budget proposal, the government decides on appropriation directives to the authorities in which resource allocation and special reporting requirements are described.
Read more about state governance: Appropriation directives (government directive) (in Swedish), Higher Education Act (in Swedish), Higher Education Ordinance (in Swedish), The Administrative Procedure act (in Swedish), Government Agencies Ordinance (in Swedish), and budget proposal (in Swedish)
Operational planning
Vision and orientation – the university's strategies
The strategies for the university state the overall vision and direction for the university's activities and priorities. The strategies clarify the university's core values, focus and ambition for the future within four identified strategic areas. The strategies also describe the university's 16 profile areas. The strategies clarify what the university wants to achieve and indicate the direction for how it will be achieved. The strategies are valid for four years and the current strategies apply during the period 2023–2026.
Read the university´s strategies ( (in Swedish)
Action plans
Based on the strategies and the university's risk analysis (see below), the human science and science areas and the university administration develop two-year action plans. The action plans describe the measures that shall be taken to achieve what is stated in the strategies and to minimize the risks.
Internal governance and control
According to the regulation on internal governance and control (in Swedish) the university must be run so that it fulfills its goals and missions with reasonable certainty. Chapter 2 § 2 of the Higher Education Ordinance (in Swedish) also states that the university board must ensure satisfactory internal governance and control.
According to 3 § of the Government Agencies Ordinance (in Swedish), operations must be conducted efficiently, in accordance with applicable laws and in accordance with the obligations that follow from Sweden's membership in the European Union, and that the operations are reported in a reliable and fair manner and that the state's funds are managed well, the so-called operational requirements.
Risk analysis
According to the ordinance, a risk analysis must be established in which circumstances that constitute a significant risk that the university cannot fulfill its tasks, achieve its goals and meet the requirements of the authority regulation are stated. Once the risks have been identified, they must also be assessed and measures must be taken to reduce the likelihood and consequence of a risk occurring. Risk analysis and development of measures are handled within the regular operational planning process, read more in the section Follow-up and prognoses below.
Riskanalys 2023-2024 Pdf, 132.9 kB. (in Swedish)
Annual report on internal governance and control
At the end of the year, an annual report on the internal management is established. The report provides the university board with a summary of the university's work with internal governance and control. The report is a basis for the assessment of internal management and control, which is made in the university’s annual report.
Allocation of funds
Stockholm university is financed by government funding, grants (external funding), fees and other contributions or revenues. The research is financed to around 50 percent by external grants, while the education is primarily financed by government funding.
An important part of the operational planning is the university boards or president´s decision on the distribution of government funding, which is taken in November. The university board decides on the distribution of funds for education at first and second level as well as for research and doctoral education to the areas of human science and science, respectively. The decision is supplemented by a more detailed decision made by the president in order to manage funds within the university.
The decisions also include, among other things, the level of university common costs, strategic investments within the university and the level of the unit rent. The decisions are addressed to the area committees and the university administration, who distribute the funds within their respective organizations.
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Universitetsstyrelsens anslagsfördelningsbeslut 2024 Pdf, 240.5 kB. (in Swedish)
Rektors anslagsfördelningsbeslut 2024 Pdf, 257.9 kB. (in Swedish)
Universitetsstyrelsens anslagsfördelningsbeslut 2023 Pdf, 247.6 kB. (in Swedish)
Rektors anslagsfördelningsbeslut 2023 Pdf, 180 kB. (in Swedish)
Universitetsstyrelsens anslagsfördelningsbeslut 2022 Pdf, 241.1 kB. (in Swedish)
Rektors anslagsfördelningsbeslut 2022 Pdf, 371 kB. (in Swedish)
Universitetsstyrelsens anslagsfördelningsbeslut 2021 Pdf, 371 kB. (in Swedish)
Rektors anslagsfördelningsbeslut 2021 Pdf, 134.7 kB. (in Swedish)
Universitetsstyrelsens anslagsfördelningsbeslut 2020 Pdf, 176 kB. (in Swedish)
Rektors anslagsfördelningsbeslut 2020 Pdf, 855.6 kB. (in Swedish)
Grant allocation decisions for Science (in Swedish) and Human sciences (in Swedish) area committees, and Faculty of Humanities (in Swedish), Faculty of social sciences (in Swedish) and Faculty of law (In Swedish), respectively.
The Recovery and Resilience Facility
Since 2021, Stockholm University receives part of its education grants from the Next Generation EU recovery package. Next Generation EU is a temporary initiative to help repair the acute economic and social damage resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. The majority of the funds are channeled through the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).
Sweden’s recovery plan as part of the EU’s recovery plan on the Swedish government’s website
The Swedish Higher Education Authority (“UKÄ”) coordinates Swedish higher education institutions' reporting to the EU. When handling these EU funds, the university starts from uses the EU’s definitions of corruption, fraud, double funding and conflict of interest.
The definitions are laid out in this report on the Swedish government’s website

Budget documents
The state’s budget process, as described above, also includes the budget documents that authorities annually submit to the government. The university submits, no later than March 1 each year, information to the government that contains the university's proposal for financing the activities for the next three budget years. The document must also contain information about the university's planned investments. The authorities' budget documents form part of the basis that results in the budget proposal.
Budget documents for Stockholm University, the period of 2025-2027 Pdf, 653.8 kB.(in Swedish)
Follow-up and prognoses
Continous monitoring
Three times a year there is a university-wide follow-up of activities. The follow-up primarily refers to financial follow-up of the outcome and a prognosis of the financial outcome for the whole year, but the reporting also includes follow-up of the university's risk analysis and other areas such as follow-up of environmental goals. The reports from the follow-up, the tertial reports, are submitted to the university senior management team and to the university board. In addition, the university senior management team receives monthly reports on the finances on an overall level.
Prognoses to the government regarding education production etcetera
Twice a year, spring and autumn, the university submits a prognosis to the government of the education production in relation to the cap amount (in Swedish, “takbelopp”) decided in the appropriation directives. In addition to the education prognosis, a prognosis is also provided of the need for a loan framework in the National Debt Office to finance the authority's investments.
Annual report
After the end of the year, an annual report is established which contains reports of the results achieved during the year in relation to the appropriation directives and how the grant funds have been used. All members of the university board sign the annual report, where they certify that the annual report gives a fair picture of the university's results and financial position. The board must also assess whether the internal governance and control was satisfactory during the period covered by the annual report.
Read more about annual reports at Stockholm university (in Swedish)