New web publishing system
From 2024, the University is gradually moving to a new web publishing system (CMS), Sitevision. It replaces the current Polopoly and in the spring, development work began for the migration of our websites.
This project page is updated regularly.
The university needs a new web publishing system (CMS) that is more fit for purpose and complies with current rules on digital accessibility, information security and developability. The websites will basically have the same design, structure and function but with improvements.
The new system, Sitevision, will eventually replace Polopoly completely. After the staff website has been moved to Sitevision, work will begin on the development, content and migration of other websites.
The first to be migrated after the staff website is the course catalogue. This will be followed by work on templates for different types of websites and on the research catalogue.
The project is being led jointly by the Communications Office and the IT Department.
The progress of the work
The work to change the CMS consists mainly of:
- Analysing the need for improvements
- Develop solutions (structure, function, design) and create templates in Sitevision
- Tests of automated content migration
- Develop editor training for the templates in Sitevision
- Migration of editorial content with post-editing
- Launch
The timetable indicates the planned time periods for the different migration components. As work on the development of templates and test migrations of content takes place for each component, it will be possible to provide more precise times than those indicated below.
Course catalogue
- Development of the templates and test migrations started in spring and will continue in autumn 2024.
- Migration of content to the new catalogue is planned for after 15 March 2025, i.e. after applications for autumn courses have started and the catalogue can then be assumed to be as up-to-date as possible.
- Training for editors on the templates for the new course catalogue in Sitevision is planned for April-May. The training for already authorised editors is a half-day training.
- Departments review and add some content together with the Communications Office and approve the pages of subjects, courses and programmes they are in charge of.
- The launch of the new course catalogue is planned for mid-June 2025.
- After the launch, the web work in the course catalogue will continue as usual but in Sitevision.
Research catalogue
The development of the research catalogue has started in spring and will continue in 2025.
Templates in Sitevision will be developed in autumn 2024.
The migration of the departments' websites is planned in consultation with the departments from late autumn 2024 to spring 2025. The migration will take place in 2025.
For questions about the project, please contact
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