Planning Secretariat, Office of the President

The Planning Secretariat is part of the Rector's Office and consists of nine staff members and a Head of Department.

Karin Lindén Fürstenbach, chef för Planeringssekretariatet, Rektors kansli

Karin Lindén Fürstenbach, chef för Planeringssekretariatet, Rektors kansli. Foto: Sören Andersson

General mission

Planeringssekretariatet har i uppdrag att på en övergripande nivå bidra till planering, styrning och uppföljning av universitetets verksamhet. I uppdraget ingår även beredning, utredning och samordning inom sekretariatets ansvarsområde. Vidare ger sekretariatet kvalificerat stöd till universitetsledningen och rymmer universitetets centrala miljöfunktion.

Specific assignments

  • In close cooperation with the departments concerned, be responsible for the management, development and support of the University's decision support system

Areas of responsibility

  • Assistant support to the President, Vice-President and University Director
  • Preparation of allocation decisions by the Board, the President and the Administration
  • Sub-portfolio responsibility for Central Support
    • coordinating overall environmental management work
    • preparing steering and support documents
    • supporting the environmental organization
    • follow-up and reporting of environmental work
  • Coordination and preparation of
    • internal financial monitoring
    • the University's annual internal governance and control assessment and risk analysis
    • the University's overall operational planning
    • annual report and budget documentation
  • Follow-up and reporting of outcomes and forecasts regarding educational assignments and allocation of funds

Product responsibility IT systems

  • Qlik Sense


Funktional e-mail:

Visitin address: Bloms hus, Universitetsvägen 16, Frescati

Postal address: IT-avdelningen, Stockholms universitet, 106 91 Stockholm

Cost centre: (6 siffrigt)

Last updated: 2024-09-30

Source: Planning Secretariat, Office of the President