The colour palette of Stockholm University comprises primary, secondary, and accent colours. The colours are used to create a cohesive and recognisable visual identity for the university.

Overview of Stockholm University's colour palette with primary and secondary colours.
Primary colour
University Blue is the main colour in Stockholm University’s visual identity and should always be used on official documents, marketing materials, and other communications. The goal is to consistently represent Stockholm University and make the visual identity more recognisable and uniform.
University Blue
CMYK: 100 - 69 - 8 - 54
Pantone: 295C
NCS: 5540-R90B
CMYK: 99 - 51 - 8 - 36
Pantone: 295U
NCS: 5030-R90B
RGB: 0, 47, 95
Hex: #002F5F
Secondary colours
The secondary colours are there to allow you to highlight elements of the layout, increase readability and create visual variety. Secondary colours cannot be used on their own, University Blue must always be present to ensure recognition.
Use secondary colours sparingly to maintain an appropriate tone. Communication becomes visually clearer with fewer colours on the same page, making it easier for the recipient to grasp the message.
Digitally, secondary colours are used to highlight something in the material, such as chapter pages, scene changes, or vignettes.
The colour University Blue 80%
is primarily used as backgrounds in content blocks, infographics, etc.

RGB: 51, 88, 127
Hex: #33587F
The colour Sky
is primarily used as backgrounds in content blocks, infographics, etc.

Pantone: 629 C, 629 U
CMYK coated (C): 36 - 0 - 9 - 0
CMYK uncoated (U): 32 - 0 - 10 - 0
NCS coated: 1020-B30G
NCS uncoated: 1020-B50G
RGB: 172, 222, 230
Hex: #ACDEE6
Sky 70 %
RGB: 196, 232, 237
Hex: #C4E8ED
Sky 35 %
RGB: 227, 244, 247
Hex: #E3F4F7
Sky 20 %
RGB: 238, 249, 250
Hex: #EEF9FA
The colour Water
is used in infographics and similar applications.
Pantone: 651 C, 651 U
CMYK coated (C): 38 - 14 - 1 - 2
CMYK uncoated (U): 34 - 11 - 1 - 0
NCS coated: 3020-R80B
NCS uncoated: 3020-R90B
RGB: 155, 178, 206
Hex: #9BB2CE
Water 70 %
RGB: 184, 201, 220
Hex: #B8C9DC
Water 35 %
RGB: 220, 228, 238
Hex: #DCE4EE
Water 20 %
RGB: 235, 240, 245
Hex: #EBF0F5
The colour Fire
is used in infographics and similar applications.
Pantone: 158 C, 158 U
CMYK coated (C): 0 - 62 - 95 - 0
CMYK uncoated (U): 0 - 50 - 84 - 0
NCS coated: 1080-Y60R
NCS uncoated: 1070-Y70R
RGB: 235, 113, 37
Hex: #EB7125
Fire 70 %
RGB: 241, 155, 102
Hex: #F19B66
Fire 35 %
RGB: 248, 205, 179
Hex: #F8CDB3
Fire 20 %
RGB: 251, 226, 211
Hex: #FBE2D3
is used in infographics and similar applications.
Pantone: 5777 C, 5777 U
CMYK coated (C): 26 - 9 - 56 - 20
CMYK uncoated (U): 28 - 11 - 51 - 4
NCS coated: 3030-G70Y
NCS uncoated: 3020-G50Y
RGB: 163, 168, 107
Hex: #A3A86B
Olive 70 %
RGB: 190, 194, 151
Hex: #BEC297
Olive 35 %
RGB: 223, 225, 203
Hex: #DFE1CB
Olive 20 %
RGB: 237, 238, 225
Hex: #EDEEE1
Base colours
Grey and white constitute the base colours. The dark grey colour is used for text, light grey is used for lines and separators, and medium grey is used for inactive icons.
Dark grey
RGB: 75, 75, 75
Hex: #4B4B4B
RGB: 255, 255, 255
Medium grey
RGB: 186, 186, 186
Light grey
RGB: 218, 218, 218
Other colours - limited use!
Green is only used for status functions in a small element, e.g., "open" with a small green circle. Red and pink are only used for warning messages.
RGB: 73, 153, 67
Hex: #499943
RGB: 176, 0, 32
Hex: #B00020
Red 10%
RGB: 247, 229, 232
Hex: #F7E5E8
Colour combinations for text
Text on coloured background
In digital communication, readability is always the most important. White text should only be used on University Blue and University Blue 80% backgrounds. University Blue text is placed on Sky Blue backgrounds.
On light backgrounds of the colours Fire and Olive, dark grey or black text should be used.

For text, it is important to meet the legal accessibility requirements, ensuring sufficient contrast between text and background.
If unsure, please check the contrast values of your colours using the WCAG contrast checker tool.
On digital screens, backgrounds behind text can effectively achieve maximum readability. You can choose between:
- White heading against University Blue background
- University Blue heading against Sky Blue background
Whichever you choose, pay attention to readability.
For how backgrounds are used in moving media, see Film and moving Image.

Festive colours
The colours silver and gold are used only in print. They should only be used on ceremonial occasions and must always be approved by the Communications Office:
Download colour palette
There are ready-made colour palettes (.ase files) with SU's colours in the colour spaces PMS, CMYK, and RGB, which can be imported as swatches in Adobe programs.
The downloadable palettes can be found under Templates in the media bank.
Contact to share the Adobe Library with the colour palette.
Example of application
Primary colour University Blue

Secondary colour Sky

Secondary colour Water together with University Blue 80%

Secondary colour Fire

Other colours - limited use!