
Panorama is a webcast for all employees at Stockholm University, where management information and studio interviews about current university affairs are mixed with reports from well-known and lesser-known parts of the university.

The episodes are also available on Youtube (in Swedish).
Panorama is produced by the Communications Office

Panorama: New security situation requires new ways of working

Higher demands on security for international co-operation, stricter export control, attacks on our IT systems – a new, more challenging, security situation affects the university’s operations. Panorama is hosted by SU’s head of security, among others. We also visit Vetenskapens hus.

  • Words from the president
  • Vetenskapens hus aims at awakening an early interest in science, maths and technology among school pupils
  • Peter Klysing and Mikael Corell from the Property Management Department and Björn Bjurfors from IT Services talk about various aspects of the university’s security work. How do political developments and stricter security requirements affect research conditions?
  • We look back on Astrid Söderbergh Widding’s 12 years as president of the university

Previous episodes of Panorama

9 October 2024

Following Albano, it's now time for a major upgrade of the Frescati campus. Södra huset and Allhuset will undergo complete renovations, and the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) will be relocating from Kista.

Additionally, the Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies (ARK) will move into the Arrhenius Laboratory, and the Department of Media Studies (IMS) will relocate from Garnisonen to Albano.


  • The President discussing becoming a more cohesive campus university, the new Minister of Education, and open science.
  • Vice-President Yvonne Svanström, Property Manager László Nagy Némedi, and Section Head Jens Dahlman talk about the locale optimisation and how the upgrades at Frescati will be carried out.
  • Mats Börjesson from the Department of Child and Youth Studies (BUV), and Gunnar Svensson from the Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK) explain the EU certification "Human Resources Strategy for Researchers, HRS4R".
  • Why is open science so important? A new film invites further discussion.

28 May 2024

What may Stockholm University’s own exhibition space Accelerator offer staff and students? What thoughts does one of our new vice presidents have on academic freedom and internationalisation?


  • The president on pro-Palestinian activism, governmental investigation into cancel culture, and course classification
  • We visit Accelerator and meet Therese Kellner and Richard Julin
  • Mårten Snickare and Christina Fredengren on how art can enhance research
  • Stefan Helgesson, vice president for human science, in the studio
  • First impression of the new staff web pages.

19 March 2024

In collaboration with other universities it’s possible to develop programs previously not feasible. Panorama meets representatives from two new joint master´s programs: one within the framework of Stockholm trio, and one through Civis, a collaboration between 17 universities.

Why develop joint programs with other universities, creating a sea of administrative hurdles? Filip Lindskog from the Department of Mathematics, Alasdair Skelton, chairman of Civis Hub 1, and Anna Sobek, head of the Department of Environmental Sciences, discuss.

President Astrid Söderbergh Widding gives introductory remarks, we meet with Sofia Lodén, deputy chair of The Young Academy of Sweden and a member of the governments Advisory Committee on Research, and visit Tarfala research station.

12 December 2023

January 31, 2025 will be Astrid Söderbergh Widding´s last day as president of Stockholm University, and 2024 will largely revolve around finding her successor.

What does the process of finding a new university president look like, and who decides who finally gets the job? We meet with the chairman of the board, Mats Melin, and Annica Ekman from the consultative assembly. Additionally, we visit the green house on the roof of the Department of Ecology, Environment and Botany.

19 September 2023

Will the rent continue to increase at the same pace? Can we use our premises more efficiently?

Many departments considers the rising rental costs in recent years as a problem. At the same time, significant changes have been made to the property portfolio, with terminated premises and relocation to Albano.

Listen to the new property manager, László Nagy Nemedi, talking about the rental system, the Local Optimization Project, newly renovated lecture halls, and offices that are only used occasionally.

30 May 2023

Doctoral students are the researchers of tomorrow, and those who earn a PhD contributes significantly to society, even outside academia. What is the state of doctoral studies at Stockholm University?

  • The president on the importance of turning the trend of increasingly fewer doctoral students
  • Åsa Burman, assistant professor of Philosophy and Berit Olofsson, section dean and professor of organic chemistry, discuss the state of doctoral studies at SU
  • Alumni on the value of a PhD outside academia
  • Doctoral students on the joy and stress of advanced studies
  • Report from pilot project Forum for doctoral students.

9 March 2023

Free online tools that can answer complicated exam questions and even write essays are a keystroke away – what steps must universities take today and how will this new reality affect the way we work tomorrow?

Since the launch of ChatGPT in November of 2022, the discussion regarding everything chatbot-related has been intense, perhaps particularly so in the field of higher education. How can we prevent cheating? How may these new tools be incorporated in the way we teach?

  • President Astrid Söderbergh Widding gives an overview of the state of research and education, nationally and globally
  • Professor Mark Klamberg, from Department of Law, Cormac McGrath, from Centre for the Advancement of University Teaching, and Amanda Gonzales Bengtsson, communications officer, discuss how we should react to the new reality created by artificial intelligence

December 2022

How do we evaluate teaching and how is the Nobel prize in medicine affecting Stockholm University?

In the December episode of Panorama, we ask how the University evaluate and value good teaching, discuss whether the Nobel Prize in medicine will affect the field of paleo genetics and visits the Bergius Botanic Garden, and their collection of seeds from around the world. Also, Christmas greetings from the President and the best dissertation of 2022!

17 May 2022

In this excerpt from the latest episode of Panorama, we travel to Brussels to shed light on the European university alliance CIVIS, and how it will shape our future. Interview with professor Francois Heinderyckx, Universtié Libre Bruxelles.

Read more about CIVIS here:

18 februari 2022

This February episode of Panorama sees the Minister of Education, Anna Ekström, as a guest, discusses how to enhance teaching post pandemic and takes a good look at an old and very curious painting at the Haunted Mansion.

  • The President criticises the new resource allocation system: “a step in the wrong direction”
  • The Minister of Education on prioritizing undergraduate studies and supporting researchers
  • Department of Philosophy improves student results and saves money through Supplemental Instruction-Peer Assisted Study Sessions
  • From the collections: A unique 16th century unfinished painting at the Haunted Mansion.

3 December 2021

In this December episode of Panorama, we examine the often discussed but rarely defined collegial leadership, explains what you need to know before offering your candidacy for head of department, outlines the vast restructuring of the teacher education taking place in the new year, and checks out research by Virtual Reality.

  • President Astrid Söderbergh Widding on the way forward for the University during a turbulent time
  • Vice president Elisabeth Wåghäll Nivre explains how the reorganized teacher teacher education will work
  • How is it, really, to be head of department? Maria Frostling from SBS and Mats Börjesson from Department of Child and Youth Studies on collegial leadership
  • We look into VR-aided research in psychology and visits the Faculty Club.

17 september 2021

Digital staff meetings are rebranded “Panorama” and will continue beyond remote working. The first episode of the academic year is, as usual, the autumn kick-off for faculty and staff. We discuss the return to campus, open science, browse through some 17th century books and much more.

  • President Astrid Söderbergh Widding on removed restrictions and the return to campus
  • University Director Åsa Borin guests the studio to discuss challenges and priorities for the coming year
  • Wilhelm Widmark, Library Director and newly appointed senior advisor to the President, discusses the road to open science with professor Arne Elofsson
  • We visit the University library basement and find the very first peer-reviewed scientific publication in the world
  • On people and climate change in prehistoric times, a report from the Archeological Research Laboratory


Last updated: 2024-12-10

Source: Kommunikationsavdelningen