Alumni relations
Maintaining contact with former students can be highly rewarding for both the university and current students. Alumni contribute to education by giving guest lectures, serving as mentors, helping to market study programs, and responding to surveys. They are often excellent ambassadors for the study programme, subject field, and the university.
The needs for alumni relations and collaboration can differ across the university. Nevertheless, maintaining contact with your former students can yield significant benefits. Identifying what is interesting and relevant for your department and your alumni is crucial.
Network for alumni coordinators
Alumni relations are managed both centrally and at the departmental level at Stockholm University.
At the central level, Student Services employs two full-time alumni coordinators. They coordinate and lead working groups, implement projects at a central level, and plan and conduct alumni events. Most departments have one or more individuals working part-time on alumni relations, although this may vary among different departments.
Additionally, there is a network for employees who work with alumni relations or those interested in actively engaging with alumni. Network meetings are held twice each semester to discuss activities, collaboration, needs, and to share knowledge and experiences. Currently, about 40 departments have appointed a contact person and member of the network.