Student Services
The Student Services are responsible for providing support and services to students before, during and after their studies and for handlingstudent matters.

Helena Pallin, Student services. Photo: Karin Persson
General mission
The Student Services provide operational support to departments, both in administrative matters related to studies and in matters relating to the university's ability to offer students a good study environment and good study conditions.
Specific mission:
- Allocate national funds for disability study support
- Sale of services to other higher education institutions in student health care, academic writing services, educational sign language interpretation and teaching placement systems
- Assisting the Swedish Council for Higher Education in the implementation of the Swedish scholastic aptitude test
Areas of responsibility
- Academic writing services
- Admissions
- Degree certificates and scholarships
- Disability services
- Educational sign language interpretation
- International mobility, international student recruitment
- Ladok system management
- Student health care
- Study and career counselling and alumni coordination
- Study information, national student recruitment and events
- Sub-portfolio responsibility for study administrative support
- Teaching placement secretariat and central teaching placement communication
Product responsibility IT systems
- dISP
- Ladok
- MoveOn/Mobility Online
- NyA
- VFU-portal/-portfölj
- Admission and study information
Units: Admissions and Swedish scholastic aptitude test, Studyinformation - Educational documentation
Units: Degree office and scholarships, Ladok system management, Teaching placement secretariat - Educational interpretation
Unit: Interpretation coordination - Guidance and internationalisation
Units: Study and career counselling, Alumni relations, International Office - Office of the Registrar
- Student support
Units: Student health services in Stockholm, Academic writing services, Disability services