Office for Research, Engagement and Innovation Services
The mission of the Research and Collaboration Support Division is to support the core business and management in matters related to external research funding, research infrastructure, research ethics, innovation and collaboration.

Maryam Hansson Edalat. Chef Avdelningen för forsknings- och samverkansstöd. Foto: Niklas Björling
General mission
The division is part of the central operational support and has the overall goal of ensuring good long-term conditions for research and collaboration. The Division of Research and Collaboration Support assists the university in matters relating to external research funding, research infrastructure, research ethics and innovation and collaboration. Within the framework of all parts of the department's mission, we provide support to the university management in the form of documentation and analysis. Together with the Management Secretariat and Stockholm University Library, we work with the quality assurance system for research.
Specific assignments
- Coordination of contractual processes within the department's mission
- Support to operations regarding
applying for external research funding - application for innovation funds
research ethics issues - acceptance of gifts or donations
Signing of international - greements according to the delegation scheme
- University-wide collaboration agreements
Product responsibility IT systems
- Crowdhelix
- Funding and tender
opportunities - Prisma
- Research Professional
- Contract and project management
- Research funding and ethics
- Collaboration and innovation support
Functional address
Who is who?
Visiting Address, Postal Address, and Cost Centre
Besöksadress: Universitetsvägen 10B, 106 91 Stockholm
Postadress: Avdelningen för forsknings- och samverkansstöd, Stockholms universitet, 106 91 Stockholm