Employees’ Profile Pages

All employees at Stockholm University have their own profile on the university's website. Each profile page contains basic information from the staff directory SUKAT, and users can add their own profile image, text, and publication list from DiVA, as well as links and files.

The web address of each profile page uses the format "su.se/profiles/university account username" and appears on the website su.se/profiles.

Profile pages are among the most visited type of pages on the website, and an important part of the university's Research Catalogue.

Profile page content

Any information added to the profile page should be related to your position at Stockholm University. Your profile has both Swedish and English versions, with a link between the two.

Your profile page automatically shows:

  • Personal information from the staff directory SUKAT: name, title, unit, telephone number, email address, visiting address, and mailing address. Please contact the SUKAT administrator at your department if you want to correct this information.
  • Your research projects
  • Your research groups.

If you don’t edit your Swedish or English profile page, only the SUKAT information shows.

You can add:

  • Profile image
  • Text under the headings ‘About me,’ ‘Teaching,’ ‘Research’ and ‘Publications’
  • List of publications
  • Links
  • Files
  • Additional phone number
  • ORCID-id.

The headings only show if there is content for that heading.

Things to keep in mind...

Facilitate reading through the use of paragraphs with sub-headings, bulleted lists, etc. (tips can be found in the manual).

Make sure that the content on your profile page is always current. Do not enter more information than you have time to update.

Use words and phrases in your text and links that might be keywords for the visitors you want to find your profile page.

The more links to your profile page, the higher it is ranked in search results.

Following web content accessibility guidelines ("webbriktlinjer") will also improve searchability:

About internet accessibility

VPN is required if working from home

If you want to edit your page while you are off campus, a remote connection (VPN) is required. This means that you will need to log in to one of the VPN clients – FortiClient or WireGuard. VPN is used for employees to access the university's network from home in a secure manner.

If you need to set up a VPN or have questions, please contact the Self-Service Portal:

Self-Service Portal

Editing your profile page

Editing is done in a simplified version of Polopoly, the University’s central web content management system. No special training is required; all you need are the instructions on this page.

Online manual for editing your profile page

This online manual walks you through the basic steps and handles other topics in more depth. Editing is done in a simplified version of Polopoly, the University’s central web content management system. No special training is required; all you need are the instructions on this page.

Remember also to provide a basic profile for yourself in both Swedish and English, regardless of the primary language you use professionally.

The easiest way to log in is to find your profile page on su.se by using the search function. Click on the magnifying glass and search for your name. Your profile page usually ends up at the top of search results.

You can also find your profile page via the address "su.se/profiles/[your username university account]" (for example su.se/profiles/poly17).

It is also possible to log in via su.se/editpolopoly. When you are logged in, search for your name in the search field.

  • Once you have found your profile page, click on the pencil next to the text Edit profile.
    • Remember: If you are working remotely (not on location at SU) you need to be connected to VPN in order to be able to edit your profile.
  • If a login box appears, log in with your university account.
  • You will enter the profile page editing mode. Here you can enter text, profile picture, etc.

You can preview your page by clicking the "Preview" button (or ”Förhandsgranska" in Swedish).

Type your text directly in the text field under the heading About me, or write it in a Word document and then copy it and paste it by clicking on the "Paste as Word" icon, or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+V (on PC) or Cmnd +Shift+V (on Mac).

Remember to paste as plain text

When you paste text, it is important that it does not come with old formatting that causes the text to get the wrong font.

By hovering your mouse over the "Paste as plain text" icon, you'll see which keyboard shortcut to use when you paste.

Format the text

Create new paragraph: Enter
Create new line: Shift+enter


If you wanto to insert sub-headings, use heading level 3 (the pre-inserted headings are level 2). Do not use bold as a heading.

Body text

  • Bold is mainly used to highlight key words to make reading easier.
  • Italic is difficult to read on screen and is used sparingly.
  • Underlining is not to be used, because it is confused with links (which are always underlined).
  • You can use numbered or bulleted lists to make the content easier to read.

The first thing to do when creating a link is writing an accessible link text. The link text should:

  • make sense without the surrounding sentences or content – it needs to be clear where you will end up if you choose to click on the link
  • not contain the words "click here", "here" or "read more"
  • not consist of the full URL (no "https://www.").

Type the name of the page that you want to create a link to. This will become the clickable link text. Select the text that you typed and click on the "Link" icon.

Enter in the pop-up window:

  • Web address: Paste the link address into the URL field.
    • NB! For external links, you should also click on the "Target" tab and select "New Window (_blank)". This signals the reader that they are leaving su.se. For internal links (su.se address), there is no need to select a target.
  • E-mail address: Select "E-mail" as the link type and paste the e-mail address.

Remove a link by right-clicking on the link text and selecting "Remove link", then delete the link text.

Choose which heading to insert text under by clicking the tabs at the top of the page. The same tab applies to both the Swedish and English text editors.

The heading that appears for text typed under the tab "My profile" ("Min profil") is "About me" ("Om mig").

Recommendations regarding content:

  • "About me": add supplementary contact details, a more detailed description of your duties and professional background.
  • "Teaching": brief information about the teaching you provide. If you want to list specific course information and materials, the learning platform Athena is a better forum.
  • "Research": short description of your research, research projects.

You can upload a profile image that will be displayed in the upper-left corner of your profile page. Please note that the profile image may become blurry if it is not wide enough. The recommended width is 260 pixels or wider. Supported file types are jpg, jpeg, and png, and the maximum file size is 2 MB.

You can upload multiple images, but only the first image in the list will be displayed on the profile page. You can easily change the order of the uploaded images.

Uploading images

On the "About me" tab, click on "Create new image" under the "Profile image" heading on the right. A new tab for handling the image will open in the top bar.

  1. Click on "Browse" and locate the image you want to upload using the file explorer on your computer. Select the file and click on "Open".
  2. Click on "Upload".
  3. Give the image a name (required field) and an alt text (read to those who cannot see and used for identification by search engines). The image text will not be displayed under the profile image.
  4. Click on "Save & Insert".

To upload additional images, repeat the steps from step 2.

Handling images

  • Click the "Edit" button.
  • When you are done editing, click on one of the Save buttons.

Changing the order of uploaded images

In the list of images, place the cursor on the dotted lines on the left or somewhere inside the grey object field of an image, then click and drag the items into the desired order.

Editing an uploaded image

Click on the title of the image in the list of profile images. The image object will open as a tab. Now you can change the name or alt text. You can also replace the image within an image object instead of deleting the existing image object and creating a new one. To do so, click the “Remove” button placed on the image icon and then upload a new image as described above.

Removing an image

In the list of images, click on the red X in the upper-left corner of the object you want to remove.

If you already have publications in DiVA, you can select them here and show them on your profile site. Click inside the search field and you’ll see a list of publications in DiVA for which you are the writer or editor. The list only shows the publications that were added using your official university account user name.

Choose the publications to show by clicking the green plus sign. You can remove items you’ve already selected by clicking the red cross sign. A link to all of your publications in DiVA is shown at the bottom of the profile page. There is no maximum to the number of articles you can show on your profile. You can adjust the order of the publications shown by clicking and dragging the dotted line to the left of the title.

There is also a text field that appears at the top of the page, below the title. There you can enter any text and any links to other places where you have information about your publications.

You can add links to your department, research projects, blog, LinkedIn profile, etc.

You enter the link text (which shows) in the left-hand field and the entire web address in the right field.

You can upload any type of file format, max 10 MB. An icon shows the type of file.

Remember that documents must be accessible to people with disabilities or people who use assistive technologies.

Upload files

  • Click "Create new file". A new tab will open:
    In the "Title" field, enter the text you want to appear.
  • Click on "Välj fil" ("choose file"), find your file, select it and click on OK.
  • Click on "Upload".
  • Click "Insert".

  • You can change the order of pictures and items in lists by clicking and dragging on the two dotted grey lines on the left edge of the object.
  • You can take away an object by clicking the red cross sign.
  • You can copy an object and insert it in your text. Instructions for working with the text editor.

When you want to finish editing your profile page, click "Save and View" and then click "Close" or close the tab in your browser.

Save your work now and then in order to preview howit looks to others. If you have saved your profile page once, it will auto save. If you get logged out, you will have the option to continue editing with the auto-saved version.


If you can't find the answer to your question here, please contact your department's web editor or the self-service portal.

Many times this is due to working remotely, but not being connected to VPN. Contact the helpdesk via the Self-Service Portal if you have problems connecting to VPN.

The link between your profile page and your research projects or research groups is created in the research catalogue.

Contact your department's web editor to get help checking that everything is entered correctly into the research catalogue.

This data is automatically retrieved from SUKAT. In order to change it, please contact the the person responsible for SUKAT in your department.

Avoid using tables – it’s bad for accessibility. (It works poorly on mobile platforms and is difficult for those using text readers.)

Contact and Support

SUKAT issues:
Contact the SUKAT administrator at your department.

Questions about Polopoly Content Management System:
Self-Service portal

Last updated: 2024-10-15

Source: Communications Office