Wellness benefit at Stockholm University

On March 9, 2023, the President of Stockholm University adopted rules for Wellness benefit at Stockholm University (ref. no. SU FV-0185-23). Applies as from 2023-01-01. The document replaces previous decision, Wellness benefit at Stockholm University (ref. no. SU FV-1006-22) 2022-03-24.

Responsible unit: Human Resources Office

Contact: Emma Schiött

(The document has been reviewed in April 2024.)


Stockholm University wants to encourage employees to health-promoting activities in order to prevent work-related illness.


Stockholm University grants employees the right to wellness benefit of up to SEK 3,000 including VAT per calendar year, upon presentation of a receipt. The activities that are approved for wellness are controlled by the Swedish Tax Agency's rules.

A condition for receiving a wellness benefit is that the expense for the activity is paid during the period of employment and matches the corresponding time. Wellness benefit is given in relation to the period of employment and employment rate. Parental leave and sick leave may use the benefit during their absence (incl. part-time absence). In case of other types of full-time leave, you may not use the wellness benefit.

The wellness benefit is given in relation to employment rate according to the following steps:

How much wellness benefit can you get?

Employment rate

Wellness benefit

5–20 %

600 SEK

21–40 %

1 200 SEK

41–60 %

1 800 SEK

61–80 %

2 400 SEK

81–100 %

3 000 SEK

In case of right to wellness benefit for part of the year, the application must be made during ongoing employment at Stockholm university. Admitted to the doctoral program with funding scholarship may use the wellness benefit.

The cost shall be charged to the employee's department, center organizationally placed under a faculty, or administrative office.

Last updated: 2024-10-17

Source: Human Resources Office