New printers on the way - everyone must connect their university card to the new printer solution to print

As of November 1, we will have a new supplier for Printomat. In order to continue printing, you must connect your university card to the new solution.

The University is in the process of changing the printing solution and supplier for Printomat. This means that new printers will be delivered to all departments during October-November. The public printers in the libraries, Albano, etc. have already been eplaced with new ones. The public printers can be used by anyone.

In order to be able to print on the new printers, all users will need to connect their university cards to the new system. Instructions on how to do this can be found in Serviceportalen

All members of staff and students have received/will receive an email with a registration code. The email will be sent from (see image of email below) just before the printers are delivered to each department. The code should be used at a later stage when the printers are physically installed on site.

Connect your university card as soon as the new printer is installed as the old printer will stop working. The old printers will work throughout October or until the new printer is installed, whichever comes first. Once the printer is connected at your department/equivalent, you can connect your university card. You can also connect to any of the public printers.

The new public printers are located at:

  • Stockholm University Library
  • Studenthuset, Alfa building, 2nd floor, reading room
  • Studenthuset, Beta building, 2nd floor, reading room
  • Building E, 2nd floor, outside the language studio
  • Wallenberg Laboratory, Computer lab, room 337
  • Building 1, Albano, student room D1217
  • Building 1, Albano, student room D1217
  • Building 2, Albano, Student Centre C2217
  • Building 2, Albano, Student Centre B2312
  • House 4, Albano, Student Centre B4201
  • House 4, Albano, Student Centre A4317
Uniflow email

Last updated: 2024-10-25

Source: IT Services