Regulations for education and examination at first-cycle and second-cycle level
On November 12, 2020 the President of Stockholm University adopted Regulations for education and examination at first-cycle and second-cycle level (dnr SU FV-1-1 2-3363-20). The document replaces Regulations for education and examination at first-cycle and second-cycle level (dnr SU FV-1.1.2-0009-19). On November, 2020 the President of Stockholm University also adopted Template for Course Evaluation (dnr SU FV-1-1-2-3423-20) and Tempate for Course Report (dnr SU FV-1-1-2-3424-20). The documents are found as attachments at the bottom of the page.
Responsible unit: Office of the President
Contact: Sophia Gustavsson Capkova och Camilla Norrbin
Stockholm University provides education at the first-cycle, second-cycle and third-cycle level. This document contains national statutes and regulations for first-cycle and second-cycle education, as well as local, common core regulations for courses, programmes and examinations in these two cycles at Stockholm University. The basic (national) regulations can be found in the Higher Education Act (HL) (1992:1434) and the Higher Education Ordinance (HF) (1993:100). Others laws and regulations referenced in this document include the Government Agencies Ordinance (2007:515), the Administrative Act (2017:900), the Language Act (2009:600), the Regulation on Fees and Charges (1992:191), the Discrimination Act (2008:567), the Freedom of the Press Act (1949:105) and the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009:400). The national regulations also include decisions made by the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) and the Parliamentary Ombudsman (JO), following, for example, a student notification, as well as recommendations developed by UKÄ in connection with inspections and publications such as Rättssäker examination 2020 (“fair examination”, Report 2020).
The local rules at Stockholm University are based on the national laws and regulations, as well as the decisions and recommendations mentioned in the previous paragraph. In addition, the University follows the Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions’ (SUHF) recommendations concerning curricula and syllabi, training plans and grading systems (REK 2011-1) as well as reporting grades in accordance with ECTS (REK 2009-4). The document also refers to several decisions by the University Board and the President that can be found in Stockholm University’s Rules and Regulations on the staff website: Admission regulations for first- and second-cycle education, Admission regulations for doctoral studies, Local degree ordinance, Regulations for disciplinary matters, Regulations for written seated exams, Regulations for recruitment and promotion of teachers, Regulations for student influence, Language policies, Regulations and procedure for establishing and discontinuing courses and study programmes, Regulations and procedure for credit transfer and various decisions relating to archiving and screening. The Legal Secretariat’s Handbook in Case Handling was also used.
At Stockholm University, each scientific area board is responsible for education at its own faculty/faculties, unless otherwise specified in the regulations. For more information, see
Decision and delegation procedures for Stockholm University.
In addition to these regulations, which are decided by the President, each scientific area board may adopt additional guidelines and rules concerning education and examinations with the field of its activities.
The regulations will apply as of 01.12.2020 for new course and programme syllabi, as well as for revisions of older course and programmed syllabi. The new regulations for section 1.5 course evaluations and course reports are to be applied as of 18.01.2021.