Payment card

Employees at Stockholm University are offered a company-procured private card with personal payment responsibility.

Company-procured private card

Stockholm University offers EUROCARD as a payment card with personal liability. The card is intended to be used for work-related travel and expenses.

The payment of travel advances is a costly payment procedure for Stockholm University. It involves many steps and requires greater internal control. A reduction in the handling of advances means reduced costs for Stockholm University.

To reduce the need for advance payments, employees at Stockholm University are offered a company-procured private card with personal payment responsibility. This is a payment model where the employer procures favourable payment terms or guarantees certain payment terms for the employee. The card is used for work-related expenses, but can also be used privately. Payment cards are an important complement to the University's regular purchasing and payment procedures. Please note that purchases made using a payment card may not replace invoicing as a method of payment. As far as possible, purchases should be invoiced. Travel insurance is not included in the card.

Obligation to provide information on payment cards

Before issuing a payment card to an employee, the head of department or equivalent shall inform the employee of the rules governing its use. The employee shall sign an acknowledgement that he/she has received the information on the rules. The Head of Department or equivalent shall ensure that all cardholders are provided with additional information when the University's policy, rules/instructions or the card company's conditions for the use of payment cards change.

Application and decision

The head of department or equivalent decides who will receive a payment card. To obtain a payment card, contact your administrative manager/equivalent. You will then receive a link to apply for the card digitally. After the usual credit check and approval, the payment card will be sent to you as a cardholder.

Reporting of expenses

The payment card invoice must be linked to an e-invoice or direct debit. This is done by the individual cardholder in their respective online bank. If the employee does not link Eurocard invoices to e-invoices or direct debits, the card will be cancelled.

To receive compensation from the employer, the employee must make a travel expense report in Primula and submit original receipts to prove the expenses incurred. The account must state what the expenses relate to. On receipts relating to representation and in Primula, all those who participated must be noted and the purpose of the representation must be stated.

The payment card invoice has a credit period of 30 days, which means that the cardholder does not have to spend money if he/she has reported his/her expenses on time.

Cancelling payment cards

When the employee leaves the employment, the card must be cancelled by the head of the institution/department. Information is given to the employee in connection with this.

Form Canselling Eurocad payment card (Avsluta Eurocard-betalkort) Word, 50.5 kB.

Payment cards where the authority is responsible for payment

Contact the Finance Office, via the Service Portal, Serviceportalen, for information and application for cards where Stockholm University is responsible for payment.

More about payment cards

Eurocard Corporate/För myndigheter


In the first place, please contact your department if you have questions about company-procured private cards. The department will then contact the Human Resources Office, Yvonne Samuelsson,

If you have questions about payment cards where the authority is responsible for payment, please contact the Finance Office, via Serviceportalen.

Last updated: 2024-09-30

Source: Human Resources Office/Financial Office