Performance review
The performance review is part of the systematic work environment management and should be a structured work-related dialogue between you and your manager every year.
Decision of the Head of Human Resources Office 2012-04-12
Policy for performance reviews
Stockholm University's policy is that performance reviews should be conducted annually with all employees.
Guidelines for personal development discussions at Stockholm University
Performance reviews are both backward-looking and forward-looking, and are a strategic instrument for short- and long-term organisational development. A well conducted performance review contributes to, and are a prerequisite for, successful pay reviews.
Below are templates to support you in conducting performance reviews.
Templates for performance reviews
- Guide for Performance review between a manager and a teacher/reseracher
Pdf, 791.4 kB.
- Guide for Performance review between a manager and technical/administrative staff
Pdf, 902.2 kB.
- Guide for Performance review with a doctoral student
Pdf, 642.5 kB.
The manual for conducting performance reviews and the template for manager and subordinate manager performance reviews are available in HR for managers.
In the first place, please contact your department.