Flexible working hours, overtime and additional hours

If you are employed as technical or administrative staff, you have the possibility to work flexible hours to some extent. This is done on the basis of the needs of the organisation and fixed time frames for when the flexible working hours may be used.


The flexi-frame: 6:00–20:00. Flexible working hours can start at the earliest at 6:00 am and end at the latest at 8:00 pm on weekdays.

Fixed time: 9:00–15:00. The fixed time is the time within the flexi-frame that all flexi-time employees must work. On days with reduced working hours, the fixed time is 9:00–12:00.

Lunch flex: 11.00–14.00. You must take a lunch break of at least 30 minutes. You may not work more than 6 continuous hours without a longer break.

Flexitime balance: There is an upper limit to the number of hours plus and a lower limit to the number of hours minus you can have in your flexitime balance:

  • maximum 40 hours plus
  • maximum 20 hours minus.

You can use the extra time to take leave. If you want to take flexitime for a whole day or part of a day, talk to your manager and agree when and if it is possible.

Overtime for those working flexible hours

It is the employer who decides whether you as an employee should work overtime. You work overtime if you are ordered to work

  • for longer than your normal working hours
  • for time that is outside the flexitime framework.

Overtime pay

If you are ordered to work overtime, it is compensated with compensatory leave or financial compensation. Depending on the times and days you work overtime, the overtime is either simple or qualified and entitles you to different amounts of compensation. In a calendar year, you may not work more than 150 hours of overtime.

You work qualified overtime if you work:

  • from 19:00 on Friday evening until 7:00 on Monday morning
  • from 19:00 on the eve of Epiphany, Good Friday, May Day, Ascension Day, National Day, Midsummer's Eve, Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve until 7:00 on the following working day
  • from 22:00 to 6:00.

All other overtime is simple overtime.

Compensation for simple overtime:

  • Compensatory leave 1.5 times as long as the time you worked overtime.
    Example: if you have worked 2 hours of overtime, this gives you 3 hours of compensatory leave.
  • Hourly financial compensation is calculated by dividing your individual monthly salary by 94.
    Example: if you have worked 2 hours overtime and have a monthly salary of SEK 35 000, this will give you a financial compensation of SEK 745 (before tax).

Compensation for qualifying overtime:

  • Compensatory time off 2 times the amount of time you worked overtime.
    Example: if you have worked 2 hours of overtime, this gives you 4 hours of compensatory leave.
  • Hourly financial compensation is calculated by dividing your individual monthly salary by 72.
    Example: if you have worked 2 hours overtime and have a monthly salary of SEK 35 000, this will give you a financial compensation of SEK 972 (before tax).

Additional hours and overtime for part-time workers

If you are a part-time employee and work more than your normal working hours, you are entitled to additional hours allowance. It is your manager who decides whether you should work extra hours. Additional hours allowance is paid for the time between your part-time and regular working hours for a full-time job. Each day is counted separately. As with overtime, employees who volunteer to work additional hours should be given priority.

Example: If you have a part-time job at 75 % and have organised your regular working hours so that you work 6 hours per day, and your manager orders you to work full-time for one week, you are entitled to additional hours allowance for 10 hours of work.

You can work up to 175 additional hours per year. Additional hours and overtime together may not exceed 200 hours in a year.


In the first place, please contact your department.

Last updated: 2024-09-30

Source: Human Resources Office