Ending an employment

You can end your employment at your own request or your fixed-term employment will end. The employer can also terminate the employment.

Ending an employment at your own request

If you have worked for more than one year consecutively, your notice period is two months. In other cases, the notice period is one month.

The resignation must be made in writing. You fill in the dismissal form. The original of the dismissal is sent to the Registrar and a copy of the dismissal is e-mailed to the Payroll Section.

In the case of the dismissal of a professor, the dismissal form must be sent without a decision signature to the relevant Faculty Office, which then registers and forwards the form (via the President's referral) to the President for signature.

Entledigande Pdf, 111.6 kB.

When the employer terminates the employment or a fixed-term employment ends

An employee who has been dismissed for lack of work or whose fixed-term employment (temporary or SÄVA) has ended may have a priority for re-employment.

The right of priority for re-employment applies if the employee has

  • a total of more than 12 months of employment at Stockholm University in the last three years.
  • a total of more than nine months' employment at Stockholm University over the past three years if the employment was a special fixed-term employment (SÄVA). The right to re-employment only applies to a new SÄVA.
  • have sufficient qualifications for the new position
  • have requested to be reinstated through an online application on the university's website
  • has not reached the age of 69.

An employee who fulfils the conditions for priority for re-employment shall be considered as an applicant for vacant posts. The employee applies for vacancies him/herself.

The Constitution's requirement for objective grounds (merit and skill) in the appointment of government positions (RF 12:5) weighs more heavily than priority for re-employment (see also the clarification in LOA § 4).

Validity of the right of priority for new employment

The right of priority for new employment applies from the time when notice of termination was given or when notification was given that fixed-term employment is not to be extended and until nine months have passed from the last day of employment.

Link to application

Application is made in Stockholm University's recruitment system via the link below and can be made at any time during the period when the right of re-employment applies.


Contact the HR Officer at your department.

Last updated: 2025-01-02

Source: Personalavdelningen