Computer glasses

University staff should have a good synergonomic working environment. Therefore, as an employee, you are entitled to a free eye examination and, if necessary, the opportunity to get computer glasses.

According to Decision 1998:5 entitled “Working at a screen,” of the Swedish Work Environment Authority (Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen), employees are entitled to a free eye test and, if needed, to special glasses designed for working at a computer screen.

The glasses can either be single vision or “occupational-progressives” with a visual acuity of up to 4 meters. The preferred option depends on your work tasks. If the distances at which you work change, “occupational-progressive” is often better. The opticians with whom the State has signed an agreement have a lot of experience in determining the correct type of lens.

Computer glasses paid for by the employer are considered to be work equipment.


The State has signed 2023-04-03 through the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Kammarkollegiet) a ranked, framework agreement with:

  1. Synsam Group Sweden AB and
  2. Specsavers Sweden AB.

This agreement means that you must first go to the supplier listed as #1.

It is important to ensure that the Synsam shop you visit is included in the contract (depending on the form of ownership within Synsam). See Synsambutiksförteckning.xlsx under Dokument och länkar för Synsam Group Sweden AB. .

As an employee, you have the opportunity to choose a pair of glasses up to a value of SEK 1 150 including VAT. If you choose more expensive frames, you must pay the excess cost yourself.

E-commerce of eye test/computer glasses


  1. Contact Purchasing Coordinator/Authorised Administrator at your department to obtain an order form/purchase order.
  2. Book an appointment with an optician and take the signed form with you to the store.

Order form/purchase order is created in the e-commerce portal. Contact an Authorised Administrator at your department/equivalent.

The purchase order signed by the manager is sent to you via e-mail. You print the purchase order and bring it to the store.

Authorised Purchaser

  1. Go to Marketplace – Services – Optician services – Select both eye examination and prescription computer glasses.
  2. Complete the order and the signed purchase order will be emailed to you as the authorised purchaser.


In the first place, please contact your department.

Last updated: 2024-12-11

Source: Human Resources Office