Doctoral mobility

Doctoral students have many opportunities to participate in exchanges. A doctoral student counts as both a student and a staff member, and can therefore apply for calls that apply to both groups. Mobilities carried out under Erasmus+ are grant-funded.

Within the framework of Erasmus+, doctoral students can gain an international experience in one of the countries participating in Erasmus+, the member state of the European Union (incl. outermost regions and overseas countries and territories), Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Turkey, A doctoral student can participate in all forms of mobility of the Erasmus+ program (studies, internships, teaching mobility and staff training), provided that the conditions are met, as doctoral students can be counted as students as well as teachers and staff. It does not matter what form of funding or employment the PhD student has, because employment or registration is not defined in the rules for the Erasmus programme. Which mobility the doctoral student should take part in is therefore based on what he will do during the mobility.

This page contains information about international opportunities for doctoral students (in Swedish) at Stockholm University, but also information about receiving an incoming doctoral student:

International opportunities for doctoral students (in Swedish)

Erasmus+ student mobility for studies

Erasmus+ student mobility for studies is carried out within the framework of an Erasmus exchange agreement between Stockholm University and the receiving institution. The prerequisite for participating in a student mobility for studies is therefore that there is a valid Erasmus exchange agreement that covers doctoral level in the right subject area. There may also be an opportunity for doctoral students to participate in a student mobility for studies within the European university alliance Civis. For questions about Civis Mobility, contact

Student mobility for studies can be carried out within the framework of a regular long mobility with a physical mobility of 60-360 days or as a short mobility with a physical mobility of 5-30 days. A virtual component is optional for PhD students.

The doctoral student can study courses at a partner university. The studies must be conducted full-time corresponding to 30 credits per semester and must be credited by the department after completion.

Doctoral students have the opportunity to collect data, write their thesis or similar at a partner university. It is a requirement that the doctoral student has a supervisor at the sending university. There is no requirement that there must be a supervisor at the receiving university, but it is strongly recommended.

A thesis preparation activity does not have to generate higher education credits from the host university, but the mobility must be registered and recognised by Stockholm University. The department assesses how many points the exchange corresponds to in the doctoral student's education. This should also appear in the doctoral student's ISP (Individual Study Plan). The studies must be full-time.

Regardless of whether the doctoral student registers for courses or does thesis preparation activities, a Learning Agreement must be signed. Before the mobility period, the institution must ensure that the host university's courses/dissertation preparation activity are acceptable within the student's education and can therefore be credited (courses) or recognized (dissertation preparation activity) in a satisfactory manner at Stockholm University after returning home.

The Learning Agreement is Word-template currently, but will be done digitally via Mobility Online in the near future. Please note that it is a simplified template for short PhD student mobility. See procedures for the Learning Agreement.

In the case of thesis preparation activities that do not yield points to be credited, "n.a" is entered in the points field in Table A and "Thesis research/Doctoral work" in Table B.

Information about admissions and registration in Ladok (in Swedish)


Registration in Ladok



Doctoral students are registered as other exchange students on an exchange occasion in Ladok in accordance with what is agreed in the Learning Agreement (number of credits). Admission and registration are done within the doctoral student's subject area.

If the doctoral student is employed at Stockholm University during the exchange, the business travel insurance applies first and foremost. If the doctoral student is not employed and goes on exchange within the framework of an exchange agreement, Kammarkollegiet's Student OUT applies. It is important that the department and the doctoral student ensure that there is adequate insurance cover during the mobility.

Dissertation preparation activity

Doctoral students are registered as other exchange students on an exchange occasion in Ladok. The department assesses how many points the exchange corresponds to in the doctoral student's education. This should also appear in the doctoral student's ISP (Individual Study Plan).

Admission and registration are done within the doctoral student's subject area. The points must not be credited but recognized when the thesis is approved.

If the doctoral student is employed at Stockholm University during the exchange, the business travel insurance applies first and foremost. If the doctoral student is not employed and goes on exchange within the framework of an exchange agreement with a registration in Ladok, Kammarkollegiet's Student OUT applies. It is important that the department and the doctoral student ensure that there is adequate insurance cover during the mobility.

If the thesis preparation activity is not creditable and there is no registration in Ladok, Student OUT does not apply.


Erasmus+ student mobility - traineeship

Within the framework of Erasmus+ traineeship, doctoral students can intern at a company, an organization or a university. For example, to gain research experience (work as a research assistant) or collect data for the thesis. Work must be carried out at the receiving organization and it is a requirement that there is supervisor, and that the work is monitored and evaluated by the host organization.

Erasmus internships can be carried out within the framework of a regular long mobility with a physical mobility of 60-360 days or as a short mobility with a physical mobility of 5-30 days. A virtual component is optional for PhD students.

Erasmus+ Traineeship abroad

Doctoral students can carry out an Erasmus internship within the framework of their doctoral education at Stockholm University. The internship gives no points but should appear in the doctoral student's individual study plan and must be recognized in the Diploma supplement.

Doctoral students can apply to participate in an Erasmus internship after completing their doctoral studies at Stockholm University. The application must be submitted when the doctoral student still has an active registration at SU and the entire internship period must be held within 12 months of the date of the degree certificate. A doctoral student who has applied for and received his doctoral degree can no longer apply for an Erasmus internship.

Before starting mobility, the department must make sure that the planned internship is acceptable as part of the doctoral student's education and thus can be recognized at Stockholm University after returning home. The doctoral student, the department at SU and the host organization together draw up a Learning Agreement for Traineeship in which the internship program, learning objectives and planned monitoring and evaluation of the internship period are stated. The Learning Agreement must be signed by all three parties and must be uploaded in the doctoral student's scholarship application.

Erasmus+ teacher mobility

Erasmus+ teacher mobility offers PhD students to teach at a partner university where there is a valid teacher exchange agreement. The mobility can last at least two days and up to two months excluding travel days and must include at least 8 hours of teaching per week.

International mobility for teachers via Erasmus+ (in Swedish)

Erasmus+ staff training

Doctoral students can participate in staff training within Erasmus+ to job shadow at a company, organization or university or participate in a workshop or a shorter course.

The personal development must be related to the doctoral student's employment at Stockholm University and have a clear connection to his own duties. The mobility can last two to five working days excluding travel days. It is not possible to conduct research within the framework of Erasmus+ staff training.

Internationalisation for staff via Erasmus+

Scholarship for studies at Adam Mickiewicz University

Stockholm University announces a scholarship for studies at Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU) twice a year. The scholarship is funded by the Birgitta and Wawrzyniec Weclewicz Foundation, which aims to promote collaboration between AMU and Stockholm University in research and education.

The stay at the host university is generally expected to last for one exchange term, though a longer stay may also be considered.

For more information, please contact

Receive an incoming doctoral student via Erasmus+

It is possible to receive an incoming doctoral student both within the framework of a regular Erasmus exchange for studies but also as an Erasmus intern or within the framework of a teacher or staff exchange. In order for a doctoral student to be able to come to Stockholm University on an Erasmus exchange for studies or on a teaching exchange, there must be a valid Erasmus agreement that covers the chosen form of mobility.

It is the department's responsibility to ensure that there is a valid agreement in place before the start of mobility.

Registration in LadokInsurance
CoursesIncoming doctoral students who study courses are registered as other exchange students on an exchange occasion in Ladok in accordance with the agreement in the Learning Agreement.
Doctoral students who take courses at SU within the framework of a valid exchange agreement are covered by the Student IN group insurance.
Dissertation Preparatory activity within the framework of an Erasmus ExchangeIncoming doctoral students who do not take courses at SU are not registered in Ladok and will therefore not receive a university account.
Incoming doctoral students who are not registered for courses in Ladok do not have student status and are not covered by the Student IN group insurance. The institution is therefore responsible for purchasing an individual insurance for Student IN.
Erasmus traineeshipIncoming doctoral students who do not take courses at SU are not registered in Ladok and will therefore not receive a university account.Incoming Erasmus interns are not covered by the Student IN group insurance because they are not registered in Ladok and do not have student status. The institution is therefore responsible for taking out individual insurance for Student IN.


Erasmus exchange
For questions regarding Erasmus+ mobility and scholarships

Last updated: 2025-02-11

Source: Student Services