Writing and formatting tools

The library provides tools to assist you in writing and publishing your work. Reference management systems, writing tools, templates and procured printing services are available to support you when communicating your research.

Reference management


The reference management system Zotero helps you structure your references. With the plug-in program installed in Word you can build your own reference library and insert references into your work. The program is free.

Watch this tutorial on how to install and get started with the program.


The AI search tool Keenious analyses your text and suggests relevant academic articles. The program is available for students and employees at Stockholm university.

More about Keenious

Writing tools and templates

Formatting your text is part of the academic communication. Many publishers have specifications on how the formatting should be done when you sumbit your work. To assist you when writing and formatting academic texts (e.g. research articles, essays and posters) Stockholm university offers three tools: Overleaf, Academic Writer och The Production tool.


Overleaf is a LaTeX/Rich Text editing and publishing tool. Stockholm university has a license making it possible for you to use the program, regardless if you are a researcher, employee or a student. Using Overleaf you can:

  • Write and edit in Rich Text eller LaTeX using the online tool, and easily shift between versions.
  • Work together with several persons simultaneously in the interface by sharing and editing the material with users of your choice.
  • See the finished result on the right, as your are writing and editing your material on the left side of the screen.
  • Use the integrated submission system to submit your material directly to one of several publishers available.

Access Overleaf
Introduction to Overleaf

Academic Writer

Stockholm University provides access to Academic Writer. With instructions on and tools for how to think and write like a scholar, Academic Writer prepares students who are new to scholarly writing as well as those who are more advanced in their academic careers.

Academic Writer is the electronic version of Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. This manual provides expertly created resources and authoritative guidance for scholarly writing and research methodology.

You can find information and tips about:

  • how you find and quote different types of sources
  • ways of writing and writing expressions
  • how to avoid plagiarism
  • strategies and research design
  • how to choose a journal
  • how to use Academic Writer.

You need to create a personal account to use Academic Writer (user name: optional e-mail address, and a password). You access Academic Writer via the University library website. If you are working off campus, you are required to first log in with your university account. After that, you can create your personal Academic Writer account (via Welcome/Log in/Create an account).

Find Academic Writer via Stockholm University Library website/Databases a-z.

The Production tool

The Production tool is a quick and easy way to produce material in line with Stockholm University’s visual identity. It is web-based and requires no introduction before accessing. Using Stockholm University branded templates, you can create posters, covers for reports and flyers, for example. Log in using your university account.

The Production tool
Stockholm University's visual identity

Self publishing

Stockholm University has procured several printing services for self-publishing. For more information about providers, contact the Stockholm University unit for procurement: upphandling@su.se

One procured self-publishing service provider is Publit. Publit offers online publishing and print-on-demand. The service includes distribution via the major Swedish online book stores, and you can sell your book from a website with an online purchase widget.

Procured providers (only in Swedish)
Self-publishing with Publit

Order scanning for publication in DiVA

If you want your thesis, report, or other text from Stockholm University published in DiVA, you can order the scanning from us. In the case of compilation theses, we will only publish the summary. In the case of reports and written articles, you are often required to submit a copy for scanning.


Stockholm University Library
Order scanning for publication in DiVA.

Last updated: 2024-09-30

Source: University Library