Animal research

The use of animal experiments in Sweden is regulated in the Animal Protection Act, the Animal Protection Ordinance and in the Regulations on Animal Welfare. The EU Directive (EU/2010/63) contains further guidelines. All use of experimental animals at Stockholm University must be carried out in accordance with these rules.

In Sweden, animal experiments can only be used when no alternative methods are available. All animal experiments must also be approved by an ethical committee before the experiments can be performed.

The Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) has, jointly with eight Swedish universities compiled information about animal experiments on the website djurförsö (in Swedish). There, you can learn about animal experiments, why they are used, alternative methods to animal experiments, as well as rules and regulations.

Djurförsö (in Swedish)

Legislation, permits, policy and responsibilities

Animal research is strictly regulated and is subject to both Swedish and European Union (EU) legislation. Directive 2010/63/EU is the EU legislation “on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes”.

In the Swedish Animal Welfare Act there are basic rules for how animals should be cared for (it is applicable to all animal groups, including invertebrates). More details can be found in the Animal Welfare Ordinance and in The Swedish Board of Agriculture’s regulations and general advice on laboratory animals (L150).

You can find the Swedish legislation and regulations about animals on the Swedish Board of Agriculture’s website.

The Swedish Board of Agriculture
English version of “The Swedish board of agriculture’s regulations and general advice on laboratory animals (L150)” can be found on the Documents page:

Research projects using vertebrates and cephalopods need an ethical approval from a Regional Animal Ethics Committee. The principal investigator (PI) is the holder of the ethical approval.

The application must be written in Swedish and the PI is responsible for ensuring that all information in the application follows Swedish legislation.


The main principle is that no living genetically modified organisms (GMOs) shall leave the University unless there are special reasons for example transport to another facility.

Anyone conducing activities with GMOs must report this via the University’s Biosafety Committee to the relevant supervisory authority, which can issue a time-limited permit after an inspection. If you are going to vertebrate GMO, please contact your animal welfare officer and the License permit office.

The application for this must be sent via license permit office.

In addition to the animal ethics application, other permits may be needed, for example:

  • Test fishing (“provfiske”)
  • Exemption/permit for test fishing in nature reserves (”dispens/tillstånd för provfiske i naturskyddat område”
  • Derogation from the regulation on fishing, aquaculture and fishing industry (”undantag från förordning om fisket, vattenbruket och fiskenäringen”)
  • Permission from the fishing right holder (”tillstånd av fiskrättsinnehavaren”)
  • Permits for use of microorganism (”tillstånd för användning av mikroorganismer”)
  • Hunting (”jakt”)
  • Bird ringing (”ringmärkning”)
  • Collection/handling of protected animals (”insamling/hantering av fridlysta djur”).

Stockholm University’s research integrity and ethics policy

While the university has the overall responsibility, everyone at Stockholm University has an individual responsibility to adhere to good research practices. Some roles and functions entail a special responsibility. Stockholm University’s research integrity and ethics policy describes the foundations for how good research practice is to be protected and promoted, as well as the distribution of responsibilities within the organization.

Stockholm University’s research integrity and ethics policy

Good research practice and research misconduct

Organization for animal research at Stockholm University

The main responsibility for the animal research organization lies with the license holder, who is assisted by the license permit office.

The license holder shall ensure that the research animal organization at SU is conducted in accordance with the animal welfare act and The Swedish board of agriculture’s regulations and general advice on laboratory animals (L150). The license holder shall give animal welfare officers in the establishment license, the laboratory animal veterinarian and the principal investigator sanction and authorization to perform their duties and tasks.

The license permit office deals with all aspects related to research using animals at Stockholm University. The office ensures that SU complies with the existing legal requirements and is a resource to both animal welfare officers and researchers at SU.

Any organization that holds an establishment license must have a designated laboratory animal veterinarian. SU has one veterinarian that works in the license permit office. The veterinarian participates in the surveillance of laboratory animals, gives guidance and advice needed for the physical and psychic well-being of the animals and must be consulted when a new ethical application is written.

The research officer is an administrative resource to the license holder, the animal welfare body and if needed, to the animal welfare officers.

Any organization that has an establishment license, must set up an Animal Welfare Body (AWB), according to the animal welfare act. The tasks for the AWB can be found in L150, Chapter 5.

According to the legislation the AWB;

  • shall give the personnel who handle laboratory animals advise with regards to animal welfare in connection with acquisition, keeping, care, and use of laboratory animals
  • shall produce and review internal routine descriptions for monitoring, reporting, and following up welfare of the laboratory animals as well as for the overall animal welfare work in the operation.
  • shall advise personnel on how to apply the 3R-principle as well as inform about the technical and scientific development in that area
  • shall follow the development and result of the animal experiments that are conducted within the operation with regards to the animal welfare effects for the laboratory animals that are used. In connection with this, the Animal Welfare Body shall identify and advise about the factors that further contribute to the 3R-principles


Studies with animals abroad

Stockholm University’s research ethics policy states that:

If research is done outside Sweden, it is necessary to ensure that both Swedish and foreign regulations and guidelines are followed to the extent that they are applicable. In case foreign regulations or ethical guidelines allow activities, which are not permitted according to Swedish regulations and guidelines, an adequate level of protection for humans and animals must still be ensured, primarily through applying the Swedish standard also abroad.

All research including animals is subject to the 3R-principles (Replace, Reduce, Refine). This means replacing animal experiments with methods not using animals when this still permits answering the research question (Replace), using as few animals a possible to answer the research question (Reduce), and continually improving the conditions for animal welfare as well as designing experiments so as to inflict as little distress as possible (Refine).

Stockholm University’s Animal Welfare Body has prepared a self-assessment form to assist researchers in assessing whether their research complies with Swedish ethical standards or not. It can be found at “Documents” under “The animal welfare body”. Completed forms must be sent to the animal welfare body.



There are many different responsibilities within an animal research establishment that need to be carried out. When you conduct animal research at Stockholm University, it is obligatory for you to be aware of your responsibilities, especially if you are a principal investigator.


Non-compliance from legislation and permits

If a deviation happens, contact your principal investigator at once. You can also contact the animal welfare officer for the establishment or the veterinarian. Email addresses can be found under “organization for animal research at Stockholm University”. To contact the veterinarian (and the license holder and research officer), please email the license permit office.

Animal research at Stockholm University

Animal research at Stockholm University is organized in several different departments in which animal welfare officers (“föreståndare” in Swedish) are responsible for managing any research involving live animals.

There are several research animal facilities at Stockholm University and it is possible to do research on many different species including wild animals. If you are interested in doing animal research at any of these departments or facilities, please contact the respective “föreståndare”.

Mandatory education and training

According to the legislation, anyone working with research animals, be they principal investigators, researchers, students or technicians, must have the appropriate education.

For the basic education, people who work at or are affiliated with SU, can use courses from NCLASET (Nordic Consortium for Laboratory Animal Science Education and Training). The consortium has an educational web platform, where jointly developed and maintained on-line theoretical course modules are provided. The practical part of the training is carried out at SU. The courses available on the web platform are:

  • Swedish legislation & Ethics, animal welfare and 3R
  • Laboratory Animal Science Function C+D – Rodents and lagomorphs
  • Laboratory Animal Science Function A – Rodents and lagomorphs
  • Laboratory Animal Science Function A+C+D – Fish
  • Laboratory Animal Science – Fish Survey Techniques
  • Laboratory Animal Science Function A+C+D – Aquatic amphibians
  • Laboratory Animal Science Function A+C+D – Birds

PhD/master student

  • Swedish legislation & Ethics, animal welfare and 3R
  • Laboratory Animal Science Function C+D
    (handling, care and euthanasia)
  • Laboratory Animal Science Function A
    (minor procedures) –  Exception can be made if the person only is going to euthanize animals
  • Introduction education by the License permit office – Only for persons starting working at SU from 2024
  • CPD (continuous professional development).


  • Swedish legislation & Ethics, animal welfare and 3R
  • Laboratory Animal Science Function C+D
    (handling, care and euthanasia)
  • Laboratory Animal Science Function A
    (minor procedures)
  • Laboratory Animal Science Function B
    (design procedures and projects)
    – Only if the person is going to write laboratory animals ethical applications
  • Introduction education by the License permit office – Only for persons starting working at SU from 2024
  • CPD (continuous professional development).

Principal investigator

  • Swedish legislation & Ethics, animal welfare and 3R
  • Laboratory Animal Science Function C+D
    (handling, care and euthanasia)
  • Laboratory Animal Science Function A
    (minor procedures)
  • Laboratory Animal Science Function B (design procedures and projects)
  • Introduction education by the License permit office – Only for persons starting working at SU from 2024
  • CPD (continuous professional development).

If you need to take the Function B-course, please contact your animal welfare officer.

For registration to the other courses, please contact

Several different animal research-related activities can count as CPD (continuous professional development), for example:

  • Conferences
  • Courses
  • CPD-seminars arranged by universities in Sweden
  • Scientific seminars in relevant fields
  • Seminar on current animal research questions by the Swedish Research Council, once yearly.

Don’t forget to save course certificates and certificates of attendance, so you can provide your animal welfare officer with it when requested.

Current webinars and seminars are published in the staff calendar.

Staff calendar

Internal rules

In addition to the Swedish legislation, SU also has some internal rules and guidelines that apply to anyone working with research animals at SU, or who is affiliated with SU. You will find these on the Documents page:


The animal welfare body (AWB)

Any organization that has an establishment license, must set up an Animal Welfare Body (AWB). The tasks for the AWB can be found in L150, Chapter 5.

The SU AWB consists of:

  • the license permit holder
  • the veterinarian
  • all animal welfare officers
  • one scientist and
  • one animal technician.

The members work at MBW, DEEP, Zoology, Baltic Sea Center and the Swedish Museum of Natural History.

The Animal Welfare Body may, after application from the principal investigator, decide on amendments of a current ethical approval providing that the amendment does not risk to affect the welfare of the laboratory animals in a negative way. The AWB has an ethical working group (DO-E), which handles applications regarding non-harmful changes to already approved ethics permits. The group’s role and composition are regulated in the legislation.

Examples of changes that can be performed via the DO-E free of charge is:

  • adding a new facility to your permit
  • changing the principal investigator
  • changing something in the experimental design that does not affect the animals negatively.

Examples of changes that cannot be performed via the DO-E (but by a Regional Animal Ethics Committee) is:

  • Adding more animals to the permit
  • adding more procedures to the experimental design
  • increase the severity classification
  • increase end-point.

If you are uncertain if the changes can or cannot be approved by the animal welfare body, ask your “föreståndare” or send an email to

N.B. Due to a decision taken by the SU AWB spring 2023, an ethical approval may only have three amendments via an Animal Welfare Body (does not apply to administrative changes like change of Principal Investigator or adding of a new facility).

The application form can be found on the Documents page.


  • January 18 (apply latest December 27)
  • February 13 (apply latest January 22)
  • March 12 (apply latest February 19)
  • April 16 (apply latest March 25)
  • May 14 (apply latest April 22.

Since 2021 the AWB has worked to follow up on the research done with animals at Stockholm University. To do that, a form has been developed: “Retrospective assessment by the AWB”, which is sent out to principal investigators when their ethical approvals have expired (pertains only to approvals of moderate severity).

These assessments will help the AWB to identify and formulate advice regarding factors that may further contribute to the implementation of the 3R-principles at Stockholm University. The form is sent from the animal welfare body’s email and it is very important to answer it (it is only eight questions).



For those of you who work with animal research at SU, we have collected documents that you need in your work on this page:

License permit office: Documents


License permit office
The animal welfare body (AWB)
Ethics support
Contact The ethics support function at the Office for Research, Engagement and Innovation Services if you have questions about research ethics, ethical review, ethical guidelines, good research practice and research misconduct

Last updated: 2024-10-23

Source: Licence permit office/Office of Science