NBIS hosts course for all researchers in research data management practices

National Bioinformations Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS) will give a course in research data management practices. The course is intended for PhD students, postdocs, researchers and other employees within all Swedish universities.

The course "Introduction to Data Management Practices" will introduce important aspects of Research Data Management through a series of lectures and hands-on computer exercises. The course is intended for researchers that want to take the first steps towards a more systematic and reproducible approach to analysing and managing research data.

More information and for applying.

Registration is open now and will close on 2024-03-22.

Questions concerning the course should be sent to edu.intro-dm@nbis.se.

When: April 23, 12:00 - April 25th, 12:00

Where: SciLifeLab Solna, Tomtebodavägen 23b, Stockholm

Senast uppdaterad: 2024-04-26

Sidansvarig: Research Data Management Team