
Urkund is the University's text comparison tool (replaced Turnitin) that can be used by all teachers and researchers at the University to find the simplest form of plagiarism.

You can use Urkund in several different ways: partly as a stand-alone web-based service, and partly as an integrated tool in some of the platforms used at Stockholm University, such as Athena, ScriPro, etc.

How do I prevent plagiarism?

The use of a text comparison tool is just one of many ways to detect and prevent plagiarism. Read more about this in the Stockholm University handbook for teachers (pdf in Swedish)

NOTE! Students are not given access to Urkund. It is the responsibility of the teacher/supervisor to carry out checks.

Tips and advice for students (pdf, in Swedish) can be found in the Brightspace student guide to plagiarism prevention.

All staff can use the standalone web interface of Urkund (including PhD students). You log in with your university account. Then select Stockholm University in the list on the right.

Last updated: 2024-09-30

Source: IT-avdelningen