
Inspera is called for examination in the classroom. However, it is also possible to use Inspera for e.g. quizzes, and home exams if they are linked to activity sessions in Ladok.

Inspera is available for all departments to use at no extra cost.

Inspera has the following functionality, among others:

  • Integration with Ladok with automatic transfer of exam sessions, students and results
  • Text comparison Ouriginal (previously UrKund)
  • Digital accessibility add-ons such as speech synthesis, increased contrast, and text size
  • Possibility to give student(s) extra time due to needs, breaks or incidents
    Examination in kiosk mode with Safe Exam Browser (SEB), examination with selected aids or open book examination
  • Automated and manually corrected questions
  • And much more

Last updated: 2024-09-30
