Legal positions

As guidance for the organisation, it is sometimes necessary for the Division for Legal Affairs to provide legal positions on certain difficult legal issues. A legal position is preceded by a thorough legal investigation and a formal presentation to the University’s General Counsel. Legal positions are advisory and indicative in nature, not binding.

What is the purpose of legal positions?

The purpose of legal positions is to lay down the law on issues where the Division for Legal Affairs has identified the need for legal guidance, i.e., issues:

  • Where it is particularly important that we legally align our work at Stockholm University based on the principles of objectivity and equal treatment.
  • Which are of fundamental importance to Stockholm University and where there is not yet clear guidance in doctrine or case law.
  • Which are of strategic importance within the higher education sector as a whole and where it is important that we prepare the legal response with other higher education institutions.
  • Which are common (and therefore important for the organisation to get clarity on) and where it is simply more efficient to be able to refer to a ready-made response, rather than dealing with each question individually.

The following legal positions are currenctly available

The Division for Legal Affairs has so far decided on the following legal positions:

Legal position on the use of images in research Pdf, 154.6 kB. (Swedish language)

Last updated: 2024-12-18

Source: Division for legal affairs