Security in premises
Here you will find information regarding security in the university's premises, such as surveillance, alarms, keys, and training.
Ordering access cards and keys
Each department or office has at least one person authorised to order new access cards or keys. They can order access cards and keys and adjust access permissions in the Service Portal.
Surveillance and additional security
All departments and offices have basic security included in their rent. In addition to this, departments and units can request extra security services through the Service Portal.
To ensure access to security personnel, orders must be placed at least five working days before the planned need.
Security at events
Are you organising lectures or seminars and inviting speakers? Follow the checklist for risk assessment.
Safety checklist for event booking within Stockholm university Pdf, 962.5 kB.
Complete the checklist and send it to two email addresses:
You will receive feedback on whether your event needs additional security measures.
Checklista för säkerhet vid bokning av lokal
Denna checklista avser bokningar och nyttjande av alla centralt administrerade lokaler: mötesrum, seminarierum, grupprum, hörsalar, lärosalar, datorsalar och konferenslokaler.
I och med bokning av lokal så ska den som bokat säkerställa att det finns någon ansvarig på plats i lokalen under hela bokningen som följer punkterna i checklistan.
Studera den närmsta utrymningsplanen till lokalen för att ta reda på
- adress till lokalen
- utrymningsvägar
- släckutrustning
- brandlarmsknappar
- hjärtstartare (eventuellt)
- återsamlingsplats.
Kontrollera att utrymningsvägar, nödutrymningsskyltar, släckutrustning och brandlarmsknappar inte är blockerade eller skymda.
Möblering får inte påverka brand- och utrymningssäkerheten.
Kontrollera att branddörrar inte står uppställda, t.ex. med kil, eller på annat sätt åsidosätter dess möjlighet att motverka brand- och rökspridning.
Överskrid inte det maximala antalet personer som lokalen tillåter.
Utrustning som kan orsaka värme- eller rökutveckling ska inte placeras eller användas på ett sätt som uppenbart kan starta en brand eller aktivera brandlarmet.
Vid brand/brandlarm ska ansvariga på plats utrymma personerna i sin egna lokal genom den närmaste rökfria utrymningsväg och hänvisa dem till återsamlingsplatsen.
Allmän säkerhetsinformation till arrangören
- Undvik att ha åhörare bakom ryggen. Tillse att det vid behov finns en säker och trygg väg till och från talarplatsen.
- Var alltid uppmärksam på enskilda personer eller grupper som uppvisar ett avvikande eller hotfullt beteende.
Behövs väktare?
Ring universitetets larmnummer: 08-16 42 00
Incident reporting, accidents, or police reports
Everyone on university premises must report incidents, work injuries, and police reports through the IA system. This is important for ensuring we can systematically prevent and manage accidents and incidents.
Stockholm University has a large number of alarm points distributed across various parts of all university areas. The alarms are received by the University’s security guards, who assess the nature of the alarm and can quickly reach the location if necessary.
If you accidentally trigger an alarm, you should remain at the location until security personnel arrive. It is also important that staff responsible for the alarm system regularly review the system to reset any false alarms.
Each department/office is responsible for establishing clear procedures indicating which individuals have completed training through the Security Departement. The department/unit is also responsible for maintaining a contact list of individuals whom the security guard should call in the event of an incident, such as a freezer or refrigerator malfunction or a break-in.
SMS notifications during incidents
When/if a significant or serious incident occurs at the university, an SMS will be sent to the responsible persons at the affected department or unit. The purpose of the SMS notification is to ensure that the appropriate recipients quickly receive the information, and that it is disseminated to those affected within the organisation.
Stockholm University's crisis plan
The university’s crisis plan provides information on how the administration is organised in the event of a serious incident. It also includes information on what the head of each department must prepare and organise.
Security training
The Security Organisation arranges training and exercises in the field of security.
Security guards
Stockholm University is guarded by Tempest Security. If you need to contact the university security service, please call 08-16 42 00.