Collaboration and networks

Stockholm University has an agreement with the European research network Euraxess. We are also members of the Nordic Centre in Shanghai, China.


EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion is a pan-European initiative delivering information and support services to professional researchers regardless of their career stage. Backed by the European Union and its Member States, it supports researcher mobility and career development, while enhancing scientific collaboration between Europe and the world.

Euraxess web portal

The web portal is a platform for researchers, entrepreneurs, universities and businesses to interact with each other on a global scale. The portal proposes registered users with matching collaboration, job and hosting opportunities and introduces a funding database, where research funding agencies are invited to enter national research funding opportunities.

Euraxess web portal

Nordic Centre – Fudan University

Founded in 1995, the Nordic Centre in Shanghai is a collaboration between Fudan University, the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS) and 27 Nordic universities from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

Nordic Centre – main tasks

  • Provides a platform for initiating and developing research, programmes, conferences, workshops and other activities of common interest to Nordic and Chinese researchers.
  • Organise courses and programmes for Nordic business people based in Shanghai.
  • Assists in the training of Chinese and Nordic students and researchers who intend to study China and the Nordic countries respectively.
  • Participates in cultural events such as national days, concerts, film nights to promote Nordic universities and countries.

Nordic Centre can assist you with the following:

  • Support for organising conferences, meetings, seminars and workshops
    Office space for visiting researchers from member universities
  • Library with books and journals on China and the Nordic countries
  • Promotion of various research networks
  • Some level of funding

For more information on research, funding and how to organise events, visit the Nordic Centre website:

Nordic Centre

Ansökan om stöd från Nordic Centre tas emot löpande via mail till NC Programme Manager

En handbok för att arrangera events har sammanställts: Handbook for Academic Events at the Nordic Centre

Det finns kurser för studenter på Bachelor- och Masternivå.
Mer information om sommarkurser, kurser i Kina, kurser på medlemsuniversitet, hur du organiserar en kurs finns på Nordic Centres webbplats:

Nordic Centre – tailored courses

STINT Teaching Sabbatical

Would you like to teach at an institution in Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, or the USA?

STINT, the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education, offers university teachers at Swedish institutions the opportunity to teach at partner institutions in Asia or the USA during the autumn semester of 2024. The recipient must hold a PhD, be employed and well-established at their Swedish institution, and be on 100% leave during the stay abroad. Applications are made internally, after which two candidates are nominated by the vice-chancellor for evaluation by STINT.

STINT-program Teaching Sabbatical.


Contact at the Human Resources Office
Nordic Centre and STINT
Contact at SU
Nordic Centre in Shanghai

Last updated: 2024-10-17

Source: Personalavdelningen och Studentavdelningen