Science academic area and Faculty of Science
The Science Academic Area conducts research and offers education in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, earth science, environmental science and related areas.
The Science Academic Area shall
- promote freedom of basic research,
- conduct internationally prominent research and education,
- provide education based on results from, and in close contact with, scientific research,
- contribute to the development of society by meeting its need for scienticific knowledge and skills,
- foster an efficient and rational, collegial way of working.
Science Academic Area's strategic plan 2023–2026 Pdf, 197 kB.
The Faculty of Science at Stockholm University consists of four sections with a total of 14 departments and four centres/institutes. The Faculty also operates at four research stations distributed across the country.
Board of Science
The Board of Science is the decision-making body of the Faculty of Science. The board is ultimately responsible for education at undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate level, as well as for the research conducted within the faculty, follwing the amendments of the Higher Education.
Heads of the Departments and Directors at the Science Academic Area
Committees and preporatory boards
The Board of Science makes decisions concerning many different subject areas. Before a decision can be made, the matter is prepared by one of the Faculty's committees and preporatory groups.
For more information, please visit the Swedish website.
The Faculty consists of four sections with 14 departments. In addition, there are institutes/centres and activities at various field stations.
Office of Science
The Office of Science is part of the university administration and receives its assignment from the Board of Science.
The objective of the Office of Science is to provide operational support to the Board of Science and its preparatory bodies and working groups, as well as the departments/equivalents included in the area. The office has an important role in providing support to the Science Academic Area's management, its heads of departments and directors. The Office also aims to operate as a link between the Area's departments/equivalents and the general administration.
The needs of the Board of Science largely determine the available functions at the Office of Science. The Office of Science shall create favourable conditions for the Area's education, research and collaboration with society by being a functional support mainly concerning the Area's, as well as the Faculty's:
- finance and budgetary work,
- agreements (signed by the President or the Dean),
- education at first, second and third cycle level,
- recruitment and promotion of teachers,
- communication.
The Office of Science prepares matters and implements and disseminates decisions of the Board of Science. The Office of Science must ensure that matters and decision-making processes are handled with legal certainty. The Office's staff also participates in university-wide development projects in collaboration with other administrative units. Work at the Office of Science shall be characterised by high quality, high availability and efficient use of time and other resources.
Decisions and protocols
For protocols for the Board of Science, please visit the Swedish webpage.
Please note that the protocals are only available in Swedish. If you are interested in previous protocols, please contact the Central Registry via
Financial frameworks and educational commitments
Here you can download the Faculty of Science's decision on financial frameworks and educational commitments as a pdf file (in Swedish). For further questions, please contact the Office of Science.
ON beslut om ekonomiska ramar och utbildningsåtaganden för 2025 Pdf, 1.3 MB.
Procedures for preparation of contracts and agreements
The procedures described below are primarily aimed at handling grant agreements exceeding SEK 6,000,000 and assignment agreements exceeding SEK 500,000. These types of agreements are normally drawn up by the counterparty and must be signed by the President in accordance with the university's delegation of authority. The document also contains a description of the procedure for agreements drawn up at one of the faculty's departments and which must be signed by the President.
Rutiner för beredning av avtal och överenskommelser (in Swedish)
Delegation of authority
Delegation of authority for the Science Academic Area 2024–2026
The document sets out the delagation of authority for the Science Academic Area from 2024 onwards.
Delegationsordning för det Naturvetenskapliga området 2024–2026 (in Swedish). Pdf, 234.6 kB.
Delegation of decisions in employment matters in the Science Academic Area
The Board of Science decides on appointments and promotions, with the exception of appointments of professors, adjunct professors and visiting professors, and promotions to professor, which are decided by the President. Board of Science is responsible for the preparation of faculty employment and promotion matters and decides on the employment profile, expert procedure and appointment of experts.
The President has delegated the Dean to lead and distribute the work and decide on the terms of employment for staff at the Area's departments.
Quality work
Stockholm University’s quality system for education comprises six sub-areas. Each sub-area includes a number of activities which contribute to ensuring and enhancing the quality of courses and study programmes. Based on specific quality criteria originating from ESG, the university has developed its own system for reviewing study programmes and courses every six years.
Results of evaluations
For further information, please e-mail
Guidelines for employment and recruitment
Here you can find documents and guidelines concerning the employment of teachers at the Faculty of Science.
Guidelines for undergraduate and graduate studies
For a full list of guidelines for undergraduate and graduate studies, please visit the Swedish webpage.
Guidelines for PhD studies
Here you can find documents and guidelines concerning PhD studies.
License Permit Office
All research involving animals is managed by the License Permit Office. More information on legislation, authorisation, responsibilities and training can be found here: