The Office of Human Science

The Office of Human Science supports and monitors activities within the Human Science academic area.


There are six office sections:

The Office of Human Science is led by the Office Director, Catharina Sitte Durling. The section heads lead and allocates the work within their respective sections.

For decision-making and handling of important strategic issues, the Office Director has established a management group. This group consists of the Office Director and the section heads. They meet to discuss and plan strategic issues related to the office, prepare important matters for decision-making, and ensure the office activities functions well.


The management group of the Office of Human Science consists of:

  • Catharina Sitte Durling, Office Director of Human Science and Faculty Office Director of the Faculty of Law
  • Felicia Markus, Deputy Office Director of Human Science and Faculty Office Director of the Faculty of Humanities
  • Karin Hansson, Deputy Office Director of Human Science and Faculty Office Director of the Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Oskar Hansson, Head of Section, Communications Officer, Communications Section
  • Susanna Malm, Head of Section, Section for Assignment Coordination

Working groups, action plans and guidelines

Working groups within the Human Science area, have developed action plans for the work environment, fire protection, gender equality and equal treatment, and the environment. There are also guidelines for working hours and an operational plan.

Working groups, action plans and guidelines

Address and contact

The Office of Human Science

Visting address

Stockholm University
The Office of Human Science
Building A, 2nd and 3rd floor, Frescati
Universitetsvägen 10 A


Postal address

Stockholm University
The Office of Human Science
Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden

The Board of Human Science

Postal address

The Board of Human Science
Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden

Phone: +46 (0)8 16 20 00

Last updated: 2024-10-09

Source: Human Science