Guidelines for employment and recruitment

The Faculty Office of Social Sciences manages cases related to promotions, appointments, various recruitments, and leaves of absence. Please find instructions and guidelines below.

Teaching appointments

It takes between 8 and 16 months from the request for announcement to the hiring of someone. Once the department has initiated the matter, the faculty is responsible for the process. The faculty's administrator guides the department through the process from start to finish, gathers information when necessary, and keeps the department informed about the progress of the matter.

The recruitment process in brief

The department requests the Faculty Board to announce a position.

  • The Faculty Board establishes a job profile.
  • The advertisement is available to applicants for at least four weeks.
  • Experts review and rank the applicants.
  • Interviews are conducted with the ranked applicants.
  • The Teaching Appointments Board proposes a final ranking.
  • The Dean or President hires the highest-ranked candidate.

1. Request

The department prepares a request to the faculty board to announce a position, along with a job profile (advertisement text).

The eligibility requirements and assessment criteria in the job profile guide how the experts and the Teaching Appointments Board (LFN) evaluate the applicants.

The department board must approve the request proposal.

The Head of Department/Director emails the request to the faculty office administrator at

2. Review

The request is reviewed by the administrator and the faculty management. Any feedback with suggestions for changes or clarifications may be provided.

3. The Faculty Board

A decision is made to establish the job profile. The Board can delegate the authority to the dean to make changes to it.

4. Advertising

Before advertising, the administrator asks the Head of Department for the contact details of the desired contact person (usually the Head of Department) and the desired advertising period (at least four weeks).

Advertisements are published via the recruitment system Varbi on Stockholm University's website and on Platsbanken. The department is encouraged to share the advertisement within its networks. The department's contact person(s) are given access to the case in Varbi.

If needed, the advertising period can be extended. The request for extension must be made before the advertising period expires.

5. Expert Review

After the application deadline, the administrator asks the Head of Department for suggestions on experts.

The Head of Department emails the suggestions for experts to the administrator; the Dean makes the decision to appoint them.

  • Template - Suggestions for Experts

Once all expert evaluations have been received, the administrator forwards them to the chair of the Teaching Appointments Board and the Head of Department for approval. After approval, the evaluations are sent to the candidates.

6. Interviews

The chair, in consultation with the Head of Department, decides which candidates will be invited for an interview and a trial lecture.

For on-campus interviews, the department is asked to provide the venue and technical support. For digital interviews, the administrator prepares a Zoom meeting link.

The administrator invites the candidates, committee members, and department to the interviews.

Candidates residing outside Stockholm are offered the option to travel to Stockholm or be interviewed via Zoom, while international candidates are typically interviewed via Zoom. The faculty covers any travel and accommodation expenses.

7. Teaching Appointments Board Meeting

During the meeting, the Head of Department presents their assessments of the candidates and indicates the desired number of candidates to be ranked.

The Teaching Appointments Board (LFN) decides on the final ranking of the candidates. The formal hiring decision is made by the dean or, in the case of hiring a professor, by the rector. The decision becomes official once the minutes are approved, approximately one week after the meeting.

The approved minutes are emailed to the Head of Department, administrative manager, and candidates.


If a duplication of the position is desired at this stage, a request is emailed to the administrator. If the dean approves, the Head of Department can begin negotiations with the next ranked candidate.

Hiring a Professor

The office forwards the case to the rector. The process can only continue once the administrator has received the rector's approval.

8. Negotiation and employment decision

The Head of Department begins negotiations on employment terms with the highest-ranked candidate.

Once negotiations are concluded, the department emails a draft of the employment decision to the administrator.

The administrator presents the case to the Dean or Rector, who makes the hiring decision for Senior Lecturers and Associate Senior Lecturers, and for Professors, respectively. The administrator informs the department, the employee, union representatives, and payroll administrator of the decision.

The unions have five days to comment on the decision.

The employment decision becomes legally binding after a three-week posting period, provided no appeals are made.


All employment decisions are sent simultaneously to the administrator to ensure they are posted at the same time and have the same posting period. The employees can have different start dates.

9 Appeals

Appeals may be lodged within a period of three weeks from the date of publication of the recruitment decision on the official notice board.

10. The appointment takes legal effect

Once the appeal period has expired and no appeal has been lodged, the decision has become final.

The administrator notifies all parties concerned when the decision has become final. At Professor appointments, the installation and promotion service is informed.

Cancelling the recruitment procedure

At any time during the process (up to the signing of the recruitment decision), the Head of Department may ask the Faculty to suspend the recruitment procedure. The Dean makes the decision, which cannot be appealed.


  • Employment regulations for appointment and promotion to teaching posts.
  • Remuneration of experts.
  • Guidelines for the number of experts for appointments and promotions.
  • Guidelines on the number of experts for the appointment of teachers in the Human Science academic area.

Promotion to Senior Lecturer and Professor

Here is a guide for applicants on the process, eligibility, and assessment criteria for promotion to Senior Lecturer and Professor. There are also questions and answers.

If you have any questions, please contact our functional address, email:, or the designated officer for your case.

The process in brief

  • Applicants inform the office and submit their application via SU's recruitment system
  • The Teacher Proposal Committee decides on peer review.
  • Peer review.
  • The Teacher Proposal Committee decides on the recommendation for promotion.
  • The Dean or President decides on promotion.

1. The application

Make sure to follow the application template and attach relevant certificates. See the template, policy documents, and the Faculty's additions and clarifications regarding eligibility and assessment criteria for more information. Send an email stating that you wish to apply for promotion to The application is then submitted via Stockholm University's recruitment system through a hidden link.

If you have previously been assessed as a Senior Lecturer or Professor in the same field and specialization, attach all statements to your application.

Please note that when applying for promotion from associate senior lecturer to senior lecturer, the application must be received 9 months before the end of the employment period.

2. Review

The request is reviewed by the administrator and the chair of the relevant teacher proposal committee. Possible feedback on clarifications or additions may be given.

3. Meeting of the Teachers' Proposals Committee

The Teaching Proposal Committee meets once a month (with a break during the summer). The Head of Department of your institution is invited to attend and to speak about your application.

4. Appointment of experts

The experts are appointed by the faculty based on a proposal from your department.

5. Peer review

You are requested to send your referenced publications to the peer reviewers. The review should not take more than 3 months. The Chair of the Teaching Proposal Committee will decide whether the statements are sufficient and will then be forwarded to you. The head of department/head of school is notified of these for information.

6. Teacher proposal board meeting No. 2

The Teacher Proposal Board then decides whether or not to recommend promotion. You will be informed of the outcome after the minutes have been finalized.

7. The Dean or President decides

In the case of promotion to Senior Lecturer, the Dean decides on the promotion, and in the case of promotion to Professor, the President decides. Your department and Human Resources will be informed of your new professional title and salary, and the date your promotion will take effect.

Questions and answers

How do I know if I have sufficient academic qualifications to be promoted?

The eligibility requirements for promotion to Senior Lecturer are set out in the advertisement for the post you hold, but also in the Guidelines of the Human Sciences Area. See step 1. Application, above.

The eligibility requirements for promotion to Professor are stated in the Guidelines for the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Social Sciences supplement. See step 1. Application, above.

How do I certify that my higher education teaching programme from another university is comparable to Stockholm University?

If possible, attach signed diplomas or certificates that clearly state the course content, learning outcomes, and scope so that the teacher proposal committee can assess equivalence. Unfortunately, no advance notice can be given if your courses are equivalent.

How can I certify my competence to supervise doctoral students for promotion to Professor?

According to the guidelines of Human Science, you must be able to certify the active supervision of at least one doctoral student until a successful defense of the thesis. This certificate is issued, for example, by the head of the department, director of studies, or co-supervisor. At the Faculty of Social Sciences, active supervision means that the applicant has been primarily responsible for the supervision for a longer or decisive period. The assessment is based on the stated circumstances and your role in the supervision.

What happens if I am not considered sufficiently qualified?

You can withdraw your application at any time during the process. If you will be promoted to Professor, you can reapply, and update your application to reflect the comments made.

If you are applying for promotion to Senior Lecturer, your application must be received no later than 9 months before the end of your appointment as Associate Lecturer. You can only apply for promotion to Senior Lecturer from Associate Lecturer on one occasion.

Can I contact the Chair of the Teaching Proposal Committee?

All communication should be via the Faculty Office, but in some cases, the Chair may contact you as an applicant in a specific case.

Can I apply for a promotion several times?

If you are applying for promotion to Professor, you can reapply, but please remember to update your application according to the comments received. Applications for promotion to Senior Lecturer from Associate Lecturer can only be made once.

Can I use previous peer reviews of me in future promotion applications?

Yes, you can. Be sure to include all peer reviews in your application. Please note that previous favourable opinions do not guarantee that further peer review is deemed unnecessary. Teacher proposal committees are based on the requirements of Stockholm University, the Faculty of Humanities, and the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Appointment to Docent

Application for promotion to Docent.

  1. The applicant secures approval from their department and applies to the Faculty Office. The department provides a proposal for external reviewers.
  2. The application is reviewed by the Board of Docentship for the first time, and external reviewers are appointed.
  3. Once the external reviewers have evaluated the application, it is reviewed by the Board of Docentship again. At this stage, it is decided whether a teaching demonstration is required or if the applicant can be appointed as a docent directly.
  4. A docent certificate is prepared and signed by the Dean, marking the matter's conclusion.
  • The applicant consults with their immediate professor to get a preliminary assessment of whether the application is warranted.
  • The professor consults with colleagues and secures approval from the Head of the Department.
  • The application is submitted to the registrar, who records it and forwards it to the Faculty Office.
  • The matter is assigned to an administrator at the Faculty Office who, together with the chair of the Board of Docentship, conducts an initial review of the application.
  • If something needs to be supplemented, the applicant is contacted for further information.
  • Once the application is complete, the Faculty office contacts the department to request a proposal for external reviewers. The proposal must indicate that the application has the support of the professor’s collegium/equivalent.
  • Upon receiving the proposal for external reviewers, the matter is placed on the agenda for the next meeting of the Board of Docentship. Normally, everything needs to be in place a week before the meeting, as documents are sent out to the members at that time.
  • The matter is reviewed by the Board of Docentship, which decides whether the external reviewers can be appointed.
  • If the external reviewers are appointed, the Faculty office contacts them, informs them of their assignment, and provides the application. The applicant is also asked to send their selected publications to the external reviewers.
  • The external reviewers evaluate the application. Normally, they have three months to submit their assessments.
  • Once the assessments are received, the Board of Docentship reviews the application for the second time and decides on two matters:
    a. Whether a teaching demonstration needs to be conducted before a decision can be made.
    b. If no teaching demonstration is required: whether the applicant can be appointed as a docent.
  • If the Board of Docentship decides that a teaching demonstration is necessary, the department and the applicant are asked to propose a time and place for this. The teaching demonstration should ideally be part of the regular teaching schedule, with the Board in attendance. The application is then reviewed at the next Board meeting.
  • If the Board of Docentship decides that no teaching demonstration is needed, or if one has been conducted, the Board of Docentship decides whether the applicant should be appointed as a docent.
  • If the Board of Docentship decides that the applicant should be appointed as a docent, a docent certificate is prepared, signed by the Dean, and sent to the applicant. The appointment is effective from the date the Board of Docentship made its decision.
  • The matter is concluded and archived.

Guidelines for application to Docentship

List of subjects for which Docentures can regularly be sought

  • Guidelines for the procedure for appointing Docents
  • Template for Application for Docent Appointment at the Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Considerations for Docent Applications
  • Fees for External Reviewers and Opponents

Appointment of Visiting Professor

The qualification requirements for employment as a visiting professor are the same as for indefinite-term employment as a professor. (HF Chapter 4, Section 3). The appointment may last for a maximum of five years in total (HF Chapter 4, Section 12). For more information see the Stockholm University Employment Regulations (AOSU).

1, Request

The Head of Department/equivalent emails the request to with a copy to

The request should include:

  • Justification
  • Funding
  • Subject of the visiting professorship
  • Period (maximum 5 years)
  • Scope
  • Applicant's CV, including a list of publications

2. Review

The Appointments Board reviews the application. The Board either decides to propose the appointment to the President or that an expert assessment is needed.

3. Appointment decision

The minutes are shared with the Head of Department and the Head of Administration. The Head of Department then submits a draft employment decision to the faculty. The Faculty Office presents the matter to the President, who makes the final decision and signs the appointment letter. The Faculty Office informs the appointee, Head of Department, Head of Administration, Payroll officer, and Master of Ceremonies of the employment.

Extension of appointment

1. The Head of the Department emails the request and draft appointment decision to with a copy to

2. After approval by the Dean, the Faculty office presents the matter in writing to the President.

3. The President decides on the extension. The Faculty Office emails the appointment decision to the appointee, Head of Department, Head of Administration and Payroll officer

Adjunct Professor

The qualification requirements for employment as an adjunct professor are the same as for indefinite-term employment as a professor. (HF Chapter 4, Section 3). However, exceptions from the eligibility requirements may be permitted if the person has unique competence of special importance to the relevant operation. Read more about the eligibility requirements and assessment criteria in Stockholm University's employment regulations (AOSU).

1. Request

The Head of the Department/equivalent emails the request to with a copy to

The request should include:

  • Justification
  • Funding
  • Subject of the professorship
  • Period (maximum 12 years)
  • Scope
  • Applicant's CV including a list of publications
  • Commitment from the applicant's employer to cover salary costs

2. Review

The Faculty office reviews the application and the department is then asked to submit a proposal for experts. The experts are appointed by the Dean.

  • Proposals for experts

3. Expert evaluations/reviews

Once the expert reports have been received, the Chair of the Appointments Board approves them or asks for additions. The Head of Department is notified of the assessments.

4. Meeting of the Appointments Board

The Appointments Board decides if the President can be recommended to appoint the candidate to Adjunct Professor.

5. Employment decisions

The minutes are sent to the Head of Department and the Head of Administration. The Head of Department then submits an employment decision to the Faculty Office. The Faculty Office presents the case to the President, who makes the final decision and signs the employment decision. The Faculty Office shares the employment decision with the employee, the Head of Department, the Head of Administration, the payroll officer, and the Master of Ceremonies.

In case of extension of employment

The total period of employment may be no longer than twelve years. (HF Chapter 4, Section 11)

1. The Head of the Department emails the request and draft employment decision to with a copy to

2. After approval by the Dean, the Faculty office presents the case to the President

3. The President decides on extension. The Faculty office emails the employment decision to the employee, the Head of Department, the Head of Administration, and the payroll officer.

Affiliation of a Professor

The purpose of affiliation is for the department to associate, without hiring, leading researchers and professors of high repute. An affiliated professor must normally be qualified as a professor. The affiliation should be for a longer period, up to three years, where the affiliated professor is expected to collaborate with the university in various contexts. A decision to affiliate does not imply any financial commitment from the university. Here is a guide for institutions for the affiliation of professors

1. Request

The Head of the Department/equivalent emails the proposal for appointment as an affiliate professor in the request to with a copy to

The request must contain the following information:

  • Personal details, CV, and list of publications
  • Description of the planned collaboration and the benefits of the affiliation with Stockholm University.
  • Proposal for the duration of the affiliation.
  • To what extent the faculty/department intends to make workspace and equipment etc. available.
  • Written consent from the proposed candidate and, if applicable, his/her employer.

2. Meeting of the Academic Appointments Board

The Appointments Board reviews the documentation and decides whether or not to propose the appointment to the President. In the event of an extension of an affiliation, the request is approved by the Dean.

3. Decision

The Faculty office presents the case to the President who makes the final decision. After the decision is made, it is communicated to the candidate, the Head of Department, the Head of Administration, and the Human Resources office.

Permanent Lecturer

Here is a guide to departments before announcing the employment of Permanent Lecturers.

In order to advertise a Lecturer position, an exemption must be granted by the President. Read more about the President's principles and the Stockholm University Employment Regulations (AOSU).

It takes approximately 4-5 months from the time the Faculty Board of Social Sciences decides to recommend an advertisement until one of the applicants can start the position. It is therefore important to have good foresight in terms of future needs.

The matter must be dealt with by the Faculty office, the Dean, the Board of Human Science’s working committe, the Board of Human Science and then the President.

1. Preparation by the department

The department submits a proposal for a job profile and a detailed request for exemption to advertise one or more positions as Lecturer.

The request must include a justification for the announcement and a financial report. The job profile and the request must state that the position has practical elements and that the holder of the position must have a level of education/equivalent above the level of the planned teaching.

The Head of the department emails the request and proposal for a job profile to the Faculty office's at

2. Review and decision on recommendation

The request and the profile are reviewed by the Faculty Office and the Dean. Feedback may be given with suggestions for changes or clarifications.

3. Working Committee and the Board of Human Science

Decisions are made first in the Board of Human Science's working committee and then in the Boards regular meeting to recommend that the President approves the exception.

4. President’s hearing

After the Board of Human Science’s decision, the Faculty Office takes the case to the President’s hearing. The President makes the decision.

5. Advertising

Before advertising, the Faculty office asks the Head of Department for the contact details of the desired contact person (usually the Head of Department) and the desired advertising period (at least four weeks).

Advertisements are published via the recruitment system Varbi on the Stockholm University website and on Platsbanken. The department is welcome to spread the advertisement in their networks. The department's contact person(s) will receive access to the project in Varbi.

Extended advertising time: If necessary, the advertising time can be extended. Requests for extensions must be made before the end of the advertising period.

6. Assessment of applicants

After the closing date for applications, the Faculty office will inform the department of how the applicants should be processed/assessed. The Faculty has decided on a procedure that the department must follow. The department does not need external experts, but a statement/motivation is needed for the candidate(s) proposed for the position.

7. Appointments Board

The chair of the relevant Appointments Board writes a separate "Decision on proposal for employment" stating who will be considered for the position.

8. Negotiation

The Head of Department start negotiations with the proposed candidate on salary, conditions, and date of employment. A draft employment decision is then sent to the Faculty office.

9. Employment decision

The Faculty Office presents the case to the Dean who makes the final employment decision.

The decision is posted on the official digital notice board by the Faculty Office and a copy of the decision is emailed to the Head of Department and the Head of Administration.

The appointment becomes valid after three weeks if no one appeals the decision.

10. The employment decision has become valid

Once the appeal period has expired and the decision has not been appealed, the decision has become valid. The Faculty office will notify all concerned parties.

11. To cancel the recruitment process

The Head of Department emails a request to cancel the recruitment process to the Faculty Office. The Dean makes the decision and the Faculty Office notifies the candidates.

Last updated: 2025-02-05

Source: The Faculty of Social Sciences