Guidelines for employment and recruitment
The Faculty Office of Social Sciences manages cases related to promotions, appointments, various recruitments, and leaves of absence. Please find instructions and guidelines below.
Teaching appointments
It takes between 8 and 16 months from the request for announcement to the hiring of someone. Once the department has initiated the matter, the faculty is responsible for the process. The faculty's administrator guides the department through the process from start to finish, gathers information when necessary, and keeps the department informed about the progress of the matter.
Promotion to Senior Lecturer and Professor
Here is a guide for applicants on the process, eligibility, and assessment criteria for promotion to Senior Lecturer and Professor. There are also questions and answers.
If you have any questions, please contact our functional address, email:, or the designated officer for your case.
The process in brief
- Applicants inform the office and submit their application via SU's recruitment system
- The Teacher Proposal Committee decides on peer review.
- Peer review.
- The Teacher Proposal Committee decides on the recommendation for promotion.
- The Dean or President decides on promotion.
Appointment to Docent
Application for promotion to Docent.
Appointment of Visiting Professor
The qualification requirements for employment as a visiting professor are the same as for indefinite-term employment as a professor. (HF Chapter 4, Section 3). The appointment may last for a maximum of five years in total (HF Chapter 4, Section 12). For more information see the Stockholm University Employment Regulations (AOSU).
- Read more in the Stockholm University Employment Regulations (AOSU)
Adjunct Professor
The qualification requirements for employment as an adjunct professor are the same as for indefinite-term employment as a professor. (HF Chapter 4, Section 3). However, exceptions from the eligibility requirements may be permitted if the person has unique competence of special importance to the relevant operation. Read more about the eligibility requirements and assessment criteria in Stockholm University's employment regulations (AOSU).
Affiliation of a Professor
The purpose of affiliation is for the department to associate, without hiring, leading researchers and professors of high repute. An affiliated professor must normally be qualified as a professor. The affiliation should be for a longer period, up to three years, where the affiliated professor is expected to collaborate with the university in various contexts. A decision to affiliate does not imply any financial commitment from the university. Here is a guide for institutions for the affiliation of professors
Permanent Lecturer
Here is a guide to departments before announcing the employment of Permanent Lecturers.
In order to advertise a Lecturer position, an exemption must be granted by the President. Read more about the President's principles and the Stockholm University Employment Regulations (AOSU).
It takes approximately 4-5 months from the time the Faculty Board of Social Sciences decides to recommend an advertisement until one of the applicants can start the position. It is therefore important to have good foresight in terms of future needs.
The matter must be dealt with by the Faculty office, the Dean, the Board of Human Science’s working committe, the Board of Human Science and then the President.