Guidelines for third-cycle studies
Guidelines and forms for third-cycle studies at the Faculty of Humanities.
Dissertation form and instructions for public defence at the Faculty of Humanities
The Dissertation form must be completed, signed and sent to the Registrar,, well in advance of the scheduled public defence. The Faculty Board must receive the information at least six weeks before the proposed defence date.
The Instructions for Public Defence Seminars at the Faculty of Humanities describe the responsibilities of the chairperson, the External Reviewer and the Examination Committee. It also describes how the seminar is conducted.
- Instructions for Public Defence Seminars
Pdf, 87.2 kB.
- Dissertation form
Pdf, 289.6 kB., in Swedish. If you need some help, please email
Compensation for expenses incurred in connection with the public defence
The Faculty Board determines the level of compensation for fees to the external reviewer. The Department Board decides on any fees paid to the members of the Examination Committee and, if fees are to be paid, also determines the level of compensation.
The department covers all costs associated with the public defence. This includes the production and reproduction of the thesis/dissertation for the part of the edition resulting from the Faculty Board's decision on the publication of the smallest editions, the Act on Mandatory Copies, and the department's decision about the number of additional copies that are to be provided to the department, as well as other costs (e.g. costs for any reception at the department).
The department is responsible for ensuring that the external reviewer’s fee is paid and, where applicable, that compensation is provided for any travel and accommodation expenses incurred by the external reviewer and members of the Examination Committee.
If you need some help, please email
Compensation for the defence of a thesis
As soon as possible after the completion of the public defence the dissertation minutes must be sent to the registrar (a copy is kept at the department for registration in Ladok).
The grant for the defence costs is a flat-rate grant and is regulated in the Faculty’s annual budget. The costs of the public defence may vary depending on the External Reviewer, members of the Examining Committee and on the design and printing of the dissertation, etc. The funds are paid twice a year.
A condition for the payment of the compensation is that the Faculty has approved the presentation of the thesis and that the thesis has received a pass grade (HFN 041019). Third-cycle students who defend their thesis after written dissuasion and have their thesis failed must cover the costs of preparing the dissertation themselves.
Contact information
For questions about public defences at the Faculty of Humanities, contact
Doctoral School in the Humanities
The Doctoral School in the Humanities offers free-standing courses on PhD-level. The courses are mainly meant for the PhD-students at the Faculty, but the courses are also open for PhD-students at other faculties and universities in Sweden and abroad. The courses therefore welcome all who are enrolled in third cycle studies, regardless of their home faculty or university. The courses are offered free of charge. Read about it at the webpage:
Rules and procedures for awarding donation scholarships
There are several donation scholarships for students at Stockholm University. You must be a registered student at the time of application and intend to continue your studies for at least one more year.
The rules and procedures for awarding donation scholarships at the Faculty of Humanities have been established by delegation from the Faculty of Humanities Board on 8 February 2022. In the Faculty of Humanities, priority is given to third-cycle students.
For more information please contact
Third-cycle student recruitment
If a department offers a third-cycle student position, the position will always be advertised. The third-cycle student position may be funded by the department, with grants or project funds from external funding bodies, or by another higher education institution.
The application deadlines for each department are published in the general syllabus for third-cycle programmes.
The department publishes the advertisement in the university's recruitment system. It must be published at least three weeks before the closing date for applications. Advertisements are published nationally and, where appropriate, internationally.
Admission of third-cycle students with other study funding
Admission to third-cycle programmes with study funding other than third-cycle student employment is decided by the Dean on behalf of the Faculty Board. The Procedural Rules for the Recruitment of Third-cycle Students specify the documentation required by the Faculty Board to make an admission decision.
Licentiate degree
Admission to third-cycle programmes that are to be completed with a licentiate degree is decided by the Dean on delegation from the Faculty Board. Requests from the department board should be sent to
Contracts and agreements
Collaboration within third cycle programmes requires an agreement. This may involve cooperation within the programme that allows the third-cycle student to do a double or joint degree. It may also involve collaboration where the third cycle student completes their education through employment with another employer.
General syllabus
There must be a general syllabus for each main field. The decision to establish a general syllabus is taken by the Faculty Board.
Individual study plan
The Departmental Board is responsible for ensuring that an Individual Study Plan (ISP) is drawn up for each third-cycle student. It must be reviewed at least once a year in accordance with the guidelines of the Faculty and the instructions of the area of Human Science.
The individual study plan should be written in such a way that it provides real support and a basis for discussion for the third-cycle student and the supervisor. The plan should also facilitate the annual review of progress.
The Board of Human Science decided on 04.06.2015 to establish new general form for the individual study plan.
The forms are to be used for all admitted third-cycle students and active third-cycle students who have not previously had an individual study plan. An individual study plan shall be drawn up for each third-cycle student, and is revised annually.
If you need some help, please email
Contact person, educational issues:
Contact person, dissertation issues: