2.1 Establishment and definition of a new programme
Please ensure that all work related to study plans is carried out using the Ladok tool, and that all draft study plans are submitted as PDF files created in Ladok. The host department of the programme should apply to the Faculty Board for the establishment and definition of a new programme. The request should be sent to the Education Group at the Faculty Office via utbildning@hum.su.se.
According to the University's Rules and Procedures for the Establishment and Discontinuation of Programmes, the request for a new programme must include brief descriptions of the following information (points 1-9). Additionally, the request must include a draft programme syllabus (PDF draft from Ladok), draft syllabi for the programme courses (as far as possible), and a completed degree objective matrix.
a) The purpose of the planned programme.
b) The need for the programme in relation to student demand.
c) The need for the programme in relation to society and working life, including the higher education sector.
d) The need for the programme in relation to similar programs within and outside the institution.
1) Fulfilment of objectives
a) Describe in detail the structure of the programme (including compulsory and elective courses) and the progression within the programme (use the degree objective matrix).
2) Teaching resources
a) Enter the names of the permanent teachers.
b) Indicate the planned teaching time of the teachers within the programme (scope).
c) Indicate the academic title of the teachers and their scientific competences.
d) Indicate the higher education pedagogical competences of the teachers.
e) Indicate the teachers' opportunities for professional development, including research.
f) Indicate any planned recruitments and retirements in the next five years.
g) Indicate whether courses within the programme are offered at other departments or universities and if so, how this affects teaching resources.
3) Research linkage
a) Describe (preferably with examples) how the programme is characterised by a close link between research and education and is based on proven experience. Illustrate with concrete examples.
4) Internationalisation, sustainable development and widening participation
a) Describe international perspectives in the programme.
b) Describe the conditions for international student exchange and teacher exchange (including virtual exchanges).
c) Indicate whether there are educational collaborations with other higher education institutions.
d) Indicate whether there is teaching in languages other than Swedish.
e) Indicate whether, and if so with concrete examples, sustainable development (ecological, economic, social, ethical and global) is taken into account in the education programme.
f) Describe how the programme works to broaden recruitment and participation.
Note: The above point does not need to be included if the request for establishment is made in connection with a request for the establishment of a main field of study or degree programme within the main field of study.
5) Gender equality
a) Describe how gender equality has been taken into account in the planning, content and delivery of the programme.
Note: The above point does not need to be included if the request for establishment is made in connection with a request for the establishment of a main field of study or degree programme within the main field of study.
6) Learning environment
a) Indicate the estimated and likely student volume that the programme/degree programme will have when fully developed.
b) Indicate whether, and if so in what forms, co-learning with other students will take place.
c) Describe the availability of study- and career counselling at the department(s) concerned.
d) Describe the conditions for organising internships, if relevant to the study programme.
e) Describe the conditions for work-life linkages within the programme.
This point does not need to be included if the request for the establishment of a degree programme is made in connection with the request for the establishment of a main field of study or degree specialisation within the main field of study.
7) Student influence
a) Describe the ways in which you will work with student influence.
b) Describe whether, in addition to preparatory and decision-making bodies, there are, for example, other forums where students can participate and where students' views can be systematically utilised.
This point does not need to be included if the request for establishment is made in connection with the request for the establishment of a main field of study or degree specialisation within the main field of study.
8) Finances and infrastructure
a) Indicate whether the programme fits within the ceiling amount or whether additional resources are required.
b) State whether appropriate premises exist or whether there is a need for new premises, and if so, of what kind.
c) Also indicate any equipment needs that exist.
Note: The above point does not need to be included if the request for establishment is made in connection with a request for the establishment of a main field of study or degree programme within the main field of study.
Established programmes whose curriculum has not been established within two years of their establishment shall be cancelled in accordance with point 4.
Note that establishing a programme syllabus may mean that the local degree description for the main field(s) needs to be revised.