Rules for retirement and employment after retirement

On 20 October 2022, the President of Stockholm University adopted Rules for retirement and employment after retirement (ref. no. SU FV-3700-22) at Stockholm University. Applies as from 2022-10-01. The document replaces previous decision (ref. no. SU FV-2.3.4-3993-20) on 19 November 2020.

Responsible unit: Human Resources Office

Contact: Claes Strandlund

(The document has been reviewed in June 2024. The document will be revised in autumn 2024.)


These rules set forth the application of the regulations on retirement and the conditions that shall apply upon re-employment after retirement.

The regulations on ordinary retirement age and retirement are, inter alia, found in the state pension agreement PA16, the central collective agreements Villkorsavtalen and the Employment Protection Act (1982:80).


The retirement age for all employees at Stockholm University is 65 and is reached at the end of the calendar month before the 65th birthday. However, according to Section 32 a of the Employment Protection Act, an employee has the right to remain employed until the end of the month that he or she turns 68 years old (69 years as of 1 January 2023).

Instructions regarding retirement

If the employee does not submit a request for resignation, the employer shall end the employment by means of termination when the employee turns 68 years old (alternatively 69 years). Upon termination of an employment held by an employee who has turned 68 years old (or 69 years), Section 30 of the Employment Protection Act regarding information, notification and the right to discussions shall be applied.

Employment after retirement

The employer and employee can reach an agreement on re-employment after retirement. There is no right to re-employment. Operational needs decide whether re-employment shall take place and to what extent. Upon employment after retirement, the following applies:

  • Appropriation funding shall not be used to finance research of a re-employed teacher.
  • Re-employment of teachers for teaching assignments shall only take place in exceptional cases to cover temporary needs.
  • Re-employed teachers and researchers shall not be appointed as principal supervisors for recently admitted doctoral students.

Instructions regarding employment after retirement

As a legal ground for the time limitation of employment after retirement, Section 5 Paragraph 1 p. 1 of the Employment Protection Act (specific fixed-term employment) shall be applied. A specific fixed-term employment transforms into an indefinite term employment after more than 12 months of employment during a 5-year period, see further the Staff web. However, this does not apply to employees who have turned 68 years of age (69 years as of 1 January 2023). An agreement on fixed-term employment shall as a general rule be entered into for a maximum of 12 months at the time.

A professor who retires with a retirement pension is re-employed as a re-employed professor (Sw. återanställd professor).

The employee is employed with a monthly salary. The central collective agreements Villkorsavtalen and the local collective agreement Villkorsavtal-SU are applicable. The distribution of working hours for re-employed teachers is determined upon the agreement of employment. These special conditions shall be included in the employment decision.

Last updated: 2024-10-17

Source: Human Resources Office