Policy for meetings and travel
On 26 November 2020, the President of Stockholm University adopted Policy for meetings and travel (ref. no. SU FV-0791-20) for Stockholm University. The document replaces previous decision, Travel and meeting policy (ref. no. SU FV-1.1.2-3154-13) 2013-11-21.
Responsible unit: Human Resources Office
Contact: Anna Jutterdal
(The document has been reviewed in June 2024.
2021: The wording head of department/equivalent refers to head of department, director subordinate to the dean, and/or head of office within the university´s administration.)
The purpose of this policy is to make employees and students of Stockholm University aware of the importance of planning their meetings and travels in a way that minimises climate impact. This policy is based on the UN agreement on sustainable development goals, signed by the President of Stockholm University in 2019. By this agreement the university is committed to be carbon neutral by 2040, which entails an average decrease of greenhouse gas emissions by five percent per year. This policy is furthermore based on Chapter 1 in Section 5 of the Higher Education Act, which prescribes that the university promote sustainable development for current and future generations.
Employees and students must carefully evaluate the need for every work- or study-related travel. To minimise the impact on the climate and environment travel must to the furthest possible extent be replaced with digital meetings. This also applies to travel that is elicited and funded by external parties. It is not permitted to fly to a meeting or an activity that lasts less than one workday if digital participation is an option.
When travel is justified, the means of transport that generates the lowest amount of greenhouse gas emissions must be prioritised, such as rail over air travel. Employees and students must to the furthest possible extent avoid booking air travel that includes stopovers. Unless warranted by special circumstances, journeys shorter than 700 km must be made by other means than air, such as rail or boat.
Local travel, in Sweden and abroad, should primarily be made using public transportation, secondarily by taxi (eco-certified) or other ground transportation with low carbon emissions. All travel must be booked and ordered through the procured travel agency. Travel must to the furthest possible extent be planned well in advance in order to achieve the best possible cost- efficiency. All forms of discounts in connection with travel, regardless of how they are named, are to be accrued to the university.
Decisions regarding travel are made by the head of department or equivalent. The head of department or equivalent is responsible for providing students and employees with conditions that are favourable for conducting digital meetings.
Employees and students are responsible for acquiring knowledge of how to hold or participate in digital meetings should the need arise.
Decisions on travel are made by the head of department or equivalent. The head of department or equivalent is also responsible for creating good conditions to be able to implement digital meetings for employees and students.
Employees and students shall have knowledge of how to hold or participate in a digital meeting if needs arise.