Desicion-making bodies
This section presents the key decision-makers and decision-making bodies at Stockholm University.
The University Board
The University Board is the university's highest decision-making body with responsibility for, and overview of, all university activities. The University Board meets six times a year and decides, among other things, on the university's budget, annual report, internal organisation, internal audit and the overall direction of activities.
The University Board (on our external website)
Internal Audit
Internal Audit is an organisationally independent function placed directly under the University Board. Internal Audit reviews and makes suggestions for improving the process of internal governance and control at the University.
The President
The President is the head of authority and decides on matters concerning the university's activities that have not been delegated to others. The President's decision-making mainly concerns core activities, such as the appointment of heads of department and professors, the appointment of members of external bodies, etc.
The President decides on various matters at President's Meeting ("Rektorsföredragning") on Thursdays. Exceptions to the schedule may occur. The President, the Vice President, the University Director, the Student Union's President and Vice President, and a secretary from the Office of the President are present at the meeting. Matters are presented in writing by employees at the university administration. The Heads of Offices are responsible for ensuring that the documentation for decisions is correct.
Advisory bodies to the President are tasked with supporting university management and operations on issues ranging from good research practice and the environment, to IT and equality.
The University Director
The University Director makes decisions, under the President's delegation, on matters and issues relating to the organisation and operations of the administration, such as finance, personnel issues, premises issues and procurement. The University Director decides on the disclosure of public documents. The University Director is, together with The President, an authorised signatory and may enter into contracts on behalf of Stockholm University.
The University Director's decision-making meeting is attended by the University Director, the Deputy University Director, the General Counsel and the University Director's assistant. Matters are presented in writing by officials of the University administration. The Heads of Offices are responsible for ensuring that the documentation for decisions is correct.
The Boards for Science and Human Science
Education and research at Stockholm University are divided into two subject areas: the human science and the science. Each area is governed by a board, headed by a deputy vice president. The board for human sciences has three faculties under it: the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Law. These are governed by faculty boards each led by a dean. The natural sciences area and the Faculty of Science are one in the same and have their own faculty board.
More information
On our external website you will find more information about the the University Board, the Senior management team, the Boards for Science and Human Science, and Faculties.