Salary review

Salary formation shall be based on the overall requirements of the organisation. A prerequisite for efficient operations is that we as a university can ensure our skills supply by recruiting, retaining and developing the staff needed.

Salaries at Stockholm University shall be individual, objective and appropriately differentiated. Salaries shall primarily be determined by differences in responsibility, the difficulty of the tasks and the employees' skills and results related to the requirements and responsibilities of the tasks and in relation to the needs of the organisation.

Salary reviews are usually carried out once a year, where salaries are reviewed on the basis of the University's established salary criteria.

Stockholm University’s Pay Policy
The University’s salary criteria

Salary setting based on performance and results

During the salary review, your manager will make an overall assessment based on

  • individual performance and results during the review year based on salary criteria and using the performance review as a basis
  • the university's pay policy
  • the financial conditions communicated by the university management for the current salary review.

Salary setting is largely based on the performance and results you as an employee show during the year for review. It is in your daily work that you have the greatest opportunity to influence your salary.

Salary review 2023 and 2024


In the first place, please contact your department.

Last updated: 2024-09-30

Source: Human Resources Office