Occupational health care

All employees, PhD students and postdocs regardless of the type of funding, are entitled to occupational health care services.

Temporary employees (those employed by the hour, invigilators, etc.) are not covered.

If you are a student, please contact the Student Health Care Service.

As of 1 November 2023, the University´s provider of occupational health care services is Avonova Hälsa AB.

Contact Avonova

  • Avonova Klara strand C
    Klarabergsviadukten 90 C, plan 7
    111 64 Stockholm
    (T-bana: T-Centralen)

    Phone: 08-120 125 00
    Opening hours: 08:00–16:30
    Email: order.klarastrandC@avonova.se

Who is entitled to occupational health care service?

As an employee, doctoral student or postdoct, you have the right to order three anonymous counselling sessions per calendar year with a psychologist/behavioural scientist. If additional meetings are needed, these must be approved and ordered by your manager.

If you are in need of more or different occupational health care services, please contact your manager.

Heads of department and other managers can, in their capacity as employer representatives, turn to the occupational health service for help with rehabilitation, among other things.

If you are in need of medical care that is not considered work-related, please contact primary health care, such as your health care center or family doctor.

If the need is urgent, please contact the emergency care services or call 112.

How do I book?

All visits require an appointment. Booking can be done either through:

Always state:

  • which department/administrative office you belong to
  • name and Swedish social security number (personnummer)/co-ordination number before you get a Swedish social security number
  • if you need the session to be carried out in English.

Cancellation policy

Cancel as soon as you are aware of that you cannot attend the booked appointment, by contacting one of Avonova's health centers or Avonova customer center on phone number 08-120 125 00 or email order.klarastrandC@avonova.se.

The University will be charged a fee for cancellation later than 24 hours before the booked appointment or in the event of a no-show.

Handling of personal data

When you visit the occupational health service, your name and social security number (with the exception of anonymous counselling sessions) will be on the documents that form basis for invoicing. Only the head of department and head of administration at your department or the head of administrative office, as well as HR specialists at the HR Office, are authorized to access this information.


In the first place, contact your department.

Last updated: 2024-09-30

Source: Human Resources Office